Category Archives: Ruby on Rails

Why DSLs are a necessary part of learning Rails testing

If you want to be a competent Rails tester, there are a lot of different things you have to learn. The things you have to learn might be divided into three categories.

The first of these three categories is tools. For example, you have to choose a testing framework and learn how to use it. Then there are principles, such as the principle of testing behavior vs. implementation. Lastly, there are practices, like the practice of programming in feedback loops.

This post will focus on the first category, tools.

For better or worse, the testing tools most commercial Rails projects use are RSpec, Factory Bot and Capybara. When developers who are new to testing (and possibly Ruby) first see RSpec syntax, for example, they’re often confused.

Below is an example of a test written using RSpec, Factory Bot and Capybara. To a beginner the syntax may look very mysterious.

describe "Signing in", type: :system do
  it "signs the user in" do
    user = create(:user)
    visit new_user_session_path
    fill_in "Username", with: user.username
    fill_in "Password", with: user.password
    click_on "Submit"
    expect(page).to have_content("Sign out")

The way to take the above snippet from something mysterious to something perfectly clear is to learn all the details of how RSpec, Factory Bot and Capybara work. And doing that will require us to become familiar with domain-specific languages (DSLs).

For each of RSpec, Factory Bot and Capybara, there’s a lot to learn. And independently of those tools, there’s a lot to be learned about DSLs as well. Therefore I recommend learning a bit about DSLs separately from learning about the details of each of those tools.

Here are some posts that can help you learn about DSLs. If you’re learning testing, I suggest going through these posts and seeing if you can connect them to the code you see in your Rails projects’ codebases. As you gain familiarity with DSL concepts and the ins and outs of your particular tools, your test syntax should look increasingly clear to you.

Understanding Ruby Proc objects
Understanding Ruby closures
Understanding Ruby blocks
What the ampersand in front of &block means
The two common ways to call a Ruby block
How map(&:some_method) works
How Ruby’s instance_exec works
How Ruby’s method_missing works

Learning how Ruby DSLs work can be difficult and time-consuming but it’s well worth it. And if you’re using testing tools that make use of DSLs, learning about DSLs is a necessary step toward becoming a fully competent Rails tester.

The problem that ViewComponent solves for me

It’s easy to find information online regarding how to use ViewComponent. What’s not as easy to find is an explanation of why a person might want to use ViewComponent or what problem ViewComponent solves.

Here’s the problem that ViewComponent solves for me.


If you just stuff all your domain logic into Active Record models then the Active Record models grow too large and lose cohesion.

A model loses cohesion when its contents no longer relate to the same end purpose. Maybe there are a few methods that support feature A, a few methods that support feature B, and so on. The question “what idea does this model represent?” can’t be answered. The reason the question can’t be answered is because the model doesn’t represent just one idea, it represents a heterogeneous mix of ideas.

Because cohesive things are easier to understand than incohesive things, I try to organize my code into objects (and other structures) that have cohesion.

Achieving cohesion

There are two main ways that I try to achieve cohesion in my Rails apps.


The first way, the way that I use the most, is by organizing my code into plain old Ruby objects (POROs). For example, in the application I maintain at work, I have objects called AppointmentBalance, ChargeBalance, and InsuranceBalance which are responsible for the jobs of calculating the balances for various amounts that are owed.

I’m not using any fancy or new-fangled techniques in my POROs. I’m just using the principles of object-oriented programming. (If you’re new to OOP, I might recommend Steve McConnell’s Code Complete as a decent starting point.)

Regarding where I put my POROs, I just put them in app/models. As far as I’m concerned, PORO models are models every bit as much as Active Record models are.


Sometimes I have a piece of code which doesn’t quite fit in with any existing model, but it also doesn’t quite make sense as its own standalone model.

In these cases I’ll often use a concerns or a mixin.

But even though POROs and concerns/mixins can go a really long way to give structure to my Rails apps, they can’t adequately cover everything.

Homeless code

I’ve found that I’m able to keep the vast majority of my code out of controllers and views. Most of my Rails apps’ code lives in the model.

But there’s still a good amount of code for which I can’t find a good home in the model. That tends to be view-related code. View-related code is often very fine-grained and detailed. It’s also often tightly coupled (at least from a conceptual standpoint) to the DOM or to the HTML or in some other way.

There are certain places where this code could go. None of them is great. Here are the options, as I see them, and why each is less than perfect.

The view

Perhaps the most obvious place to try to put view-related code is in the view itself. Most of the time this works out great. But when the view-related code is sufficiently complicated or voluminous, it creates a distraction. It creates a mixture of levels of abstraction, which makes the code harder to understand.

The controller

The controller is also not a great home for this view-related code. The problem of mixing levels of abstraction is still there. In addition, putting view-related code in a controller mixes concerns, which makes the controller code harder to understand.

The model

Another poorly-suited home for this view-related code is the model. There are two options, both not great.

The first option is to put the view-related code into some existing model. This option isn’t great because it pollutes the model with peripheral details, creates a potential mixture of concerns and mixture of levels of abstraction, and makes the model lose cohesion.

The other option is to create a new, standalone model just for the view-related code. This is usually better than stuffing it into an existing model but it’s still not great. Now the view-related code and the view itself are at a distance from each other. Plus it creates a mixture of abstractions at a macro level because now the code in app/models contains view-related code.


Lastly, one possible home for non-trivial view-related code is a helper. This can actually be a perfectly good solution sometimes. I use helpers a fair amount. But sometimes there are still problems.

Sometimes the view-related code is sufficiently complicated to require multiple methods. If I put these methods into a helper which is also home to other concerns, then we have a cohesion problem, and things get confusing. In those cases maybe I can put the view-related code into its own new helper, and maybe that’s fine. But sometimes that’s a lost opportunity because what I really want is a concept with meaning, and helpers (with their -Helper suffix) aren’t great for creating concepts with meaning.

No good home

The result is that when I have non-trivial view-related code, it doesn’t have a good home. Instead, my view-related code has to “stay with friends”. It’s an uncomfortable arrangement. The “friends” (controllers, models, etc.) wish that the view-related code would move out and get a place of its own, but it doesn’t have a place to go.

How ViewComponent provides a home for view-related code

A ViewComponent consists of two entities: 1) an ERB file and 2) a Ruby object. These two files share a name (e.g. save_button_component.html.erb and save_button_component.rb and sit at a sibling level to each other in the filesystem. This makes it easy to see that they’re closely related to one another.

Ever since I started using ViewComponent I’ve had a much easier time working with views that have non-trivial logic. In those cases I just create a ViewComponent and put the logic in the ViewComponent.

Now my poor homeless view-related code can move into a nice, spacious, tidy new house that it gets all to its own. And just as important, it can get out of its friends’ hair.

And just in case you think this sounds like a “silver bullet” situation, it’s not. The reason is because ViewComponents are a specific solution to a specific problem. I don’t use ViewComponent for everything, I only use ViewComponent when a view has non-trivial logic associated with it that doesn’t have any other good place to live.


  • If you just stuff all your domain logic into Active Record models, your Active Record models will soon lose cohesion.
  • In my Rails apps, I mainly achieve cohesion through a mix of POROs and concerns/mixins (but mostly POROs).
  • Among the available options (views, controllers, models and helpers) it’s hard to find a good place to put non-trivial view-related code.
  • ViewComponent provides (in my mind) a reasonable place to put non-trivial view-related code.

Side note: if you’re interested in learning more about ViewComponent, you can listen to my podcast conversation with Joel Hawksley who created the tool. I also did a talk on ViewComponent which you can see below.

Rails can only take you so far

Applications tend to grow over time. In the beginning of an application’s life, things are typically pretty easy. Rails provides “slots” for us to put our code in. Display-related code goes in the views. Domain logic and persistence-related logic go in the models. The code that connects the two goes in the controllers.

But over time the slots fill up. Models get bloated to hundreds or even thousands of lines. Models become miscellaneous grab bags of unrelated methods. Controllers get cluttered with custom actions and grow large and hard to understand. Entropy takes over and things become a mess.

At this point, many developers sadly head down a bad path. They observe that, early on, Rails helped them with everything including code organization, and so now that they need more help, they go looking for “more Rails”. They’re run out of framework and now they want more framework. They look for tools and libraries to help them organize their code. But what’s needed isn’t tools and libraries. What’s needed are code organization skills. And tools and libraries can’t be a replacement for skills.

Frameworks are really good for certain things. They’re good for abstracting away repetitive or low-level work and giving developers leverage. Frameworks can also be good for imposing structure on a codebase, but only within narrow limits. Before long, simple heuristics (e.g. “put this type of code in models, this type of code in controllers,” etc.) cease to be enough. At that point an actual human has to take the reins from the framework and apply judgment. Non-trivial codebases are too large to be kept tidy by the simplistic heuristics that frameworks are able to provide.

If “more framework” and libraries and gems aren’t the answer, what is the answer, exactly? That’s basically the same question as “how do I write good code?” People have of course written many books attempting to help answer that question. There’s a lot to it. Learning the answer takes years.

To me, writing good code has to do with choosing clear names for variables, classes and methods; conceiving of clear and useful models and abstractions; refactoring regularly in order to keep entropy under control and keep the code understandable; and using automated tests to ensure that refactoring is possible. The best single resource I can recommend to cover these topics in a well-rounded way is Code Complete by Steve McConnell.

Regarding structure, I personally use a lot of namespaces and POROs and my Rails apps. The namespaces help me keep related things next to each other and signal to me, when I’m trying to understand a piece of code, what surrounding code is relevant and what I can ignore. Organizing my model behavior into POROs helps me avoid bloated Active Record models. When I notice that an Active Record model is starting to lose cohesion, I’ll often look in my model for “missing abstractions” and split those missing abstractions off into new POROs. The resulting structure has very little to do with Rails. I’m mainly just leaning on the principles of object-oriented programming.

I think Rails is the greatest web framework ever created. The things Rails helps with, it does a fantastic job of helping with, including helping to organize code during the early stages of an application’s life. But once your application grows beyond a certain size, Rails can no longer help you much and you’re on your own to decide how to keep your code organized.

What to do about bloated Rails Active Record models


It’s a common problem in Rails apps for Active Record models to get bloated as an application grows. This was a problem that I personally struggled with for a number of years. As I’ve gained experience, I’ve figured out a couple tactics for addressing this problem, tactics that I feel have worked well. I’ll share my these in this post.

First let’s talk about how and why this problem arises.

How bloated Active Record models arise

Some background on the Active Record pattern

Many Rails developers might not know that the Active Record pattern existed before Rails. The pattern was named by Martin Fowler in Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. The idea behind Active Record (in broad strokes) is that a database table has a corresponding class. For example, a patients table would have a Patient class. An instance of the class represents one row of data for the table. The class is endowed with capabilities like saving an object to the database as a new row, updating an existing row, finding records, and so on.

Rails’ specific implementation of the Active Record pattern is a big part of what gives Rails developers the ability to create so much functionality with such little code. Unfortunately, the Active Record pattern is also somewhat ripe for abuse to a programmer who doesn’t have much experience writing structured code outside of frameworks.

An easy Active Record trap to fall into

There’s a common problem in Rails projects which can perhaps be summarized like this: Rails developers want to keep controllers from getting bloated (rightly), so they push as much domain logic as possible down to the Active Record models.

But because the Active Record models constitute a limited number of “buckets”, the domain logic code accumulates in the Active Record models. If behavior is added to an application ten times faster than database tables are added, then all the behavior will pile up in those ten Active Record classes. The bloat problem isn’t solved, it’s just moved from the controller layer to the model layer.

To be clear, this isn’t a weakness of the Active Record pattern. The root cause of the problem is inexperience. Many Rails developers aren’t aware of other code organization strategies outside of Active Record.

Here are two ways I combat this “bloated Active Record model” problem.

Tactic #1: objects

When I need to add a piece of behavior to an application, I often consider adding it straight to the Active Record model, especially early in the lifecycle of the application. But I tend to also consider adding the behavior as a new object.

Below is an example of when I found a piece of behavior to make sense as a separate object rather than as part of an Active Record model. In the application I work on at work, which is a medical application, we periodically download a file containing all the insurance charges we’ve accumulated since the last time we downloaded charges. At one point we had a new need, a way to see a list of all the past batches of charges that had been downloaded. And for each item, we wanted to see the total dollar amount for that batch as well as the unique insurance claim count for that batch.

I of course could have put the code for this feature in the Charge Active Record object. But this new feature was so peripheral that I didn’t want to clutter up Charge with the code for it. So I conceived of a new object called DownloadedChargeCollection which has methods total_balance and unique_claim_count. Here’s what that object looks like.

module Billing
  class DownloadedChargeCollection
    attr_reader :file_download

    def initialize(file_download)
      @file_download = file_download

    def unique_claim_count

    def total_balance

    def self.from(file_downloads) { |fd| new(fd) }


    def charges
      Charge.where(file_download: @file_download).includes(

    def balances

The way this object is used is that, in the view, we do collection.unique_claim_count and collection.total_balance. This makes the view code very easily understandable. Then if we want to dig into the details DownloadedChargeCollection, that code is pretty understandable as well because the object is pretty small.

Designing good objects

Good object design is a subjective art. As for me, I like to design objects that are crisp abstractions that represent a “thing”. That’s why the above object is called DownloadedChargeCollection as opposed to DownloadedChargeManager or DownloadAllChargesService or something like that. I think class names that end in “-er” are a code smell because it often means that the object represents a fuzzy or confused idea.

I also like to write objects’ code in a declarative style as opposed to an imperative style. Notice how the method names are unique_claim_count and total_balance (nouns) rather than e.g. get_unique_claim_count and calculate_total_balance (commands). I prefer naming methods for what they return rather than for what they do. This is also why I prefer to name my objects as nouns rather than commands.

Coming up with abstractions can feel hard and unnatural if you don’t have much experience with it. One of the biggest abstraction breakthroughs for me was when I realized that an object didn’t have to represent something that already had a name, it could be a new invention. For an example of an object like this, Rails defines an object called ActionController::UnpermittedParameters. That’s not necessarily all that natural of an idea. The idea only exists because someone decided it exists. Similar story with my DownloadedChargeCollection. It’s a totally made-up concept that only exists because I decided it exists, but that doesn’t make it any less valid or useful of an abstraction.

Tactic #2: mixins/concerns

Sometimes I need to add a piece of behavior which is tightly coupled to the attributes of an Active Record model (or other unique capabilities of an Active Record model like scopes) but is highly peripheral to the model. It’s not part of the “essence” of the model.

In those cases a separate object wouldn’t necessarily make a lot of sense due to the tight coupling with the Active Record object. My new object would be chock full of “feature envy” and therefore probably be hard to understand. But I also don’t want to give up and just put the new behavior straight in the Active Record model because that would hurt the understandability of the Active Record model. In cases like this I tend to reach for a mixin or concern.

Below is an example of this. In this case I needed to endow an Appointment model with two scopes and an enum. Putting this code in a concern has two benefits: 1) it keeps the code out of the Appointment model so that I don’t feel like I have to understand this queueing-related code in order to understand Appointment in general and 2) it shows me that my enum and two scopes are all related to one another, something that would have been less clear (probably not clear at all) if I had put the code straight into the Appointment model.

module InReviewAppointmentQueue
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    enum subqueue: %i(clean holding)

    scope :missing_insurance, -> do
        Patient.left_joins(:insurance_accounts).where(" is null")

    scope :charge_queue_new, -> do
      where(subqueue: nil) - missing_insurance

Reusable concerns vs. one-off concerns

It seems to me that most of the concerns I see other people write have been written for the purpose of extracting common behavior with a goal of DRYing up code. There might be a concern called Archivable, for example, that adds archiving behavior to any class that includes it.

To me, DRYing up code is just one use case for concerns, and not even the main use case. Most of my concerns are only useful to one class. My goal with these concerns isn’t to DRY up my code but rather to hide details and to group related pieces of code together.

Concerns vs. mixins

Sometimes, when I extract peripheral behavior out of a model, I put that behavior into a concern. But at one point I realized that I concern is nothing but a Ruby mixin with a little bit of DSL syntax to make certain things easier, and that sometimes I have to need at all for this DSL syntax. If there’s no need for it, I don’t see why I should use it. So lately I’ve been favoring plain old Ruby mixins over concerns.

I’ve also grown a distaste for the idea of an app/models/concerns directory. I use a lot of namespaces in my application, sometimes nested two deep. If I have a concern that relates to something in the Billing::Eligibility namespace, for example, I’d rather put that concern in app/models/billing/eligibility/my_concern.rb than app/models/concerns/billing/eligibility/my_concern.rb. The latter choice would require me to mirror my whole directory structure inside app/models/concerns and also make it less obvious which model files are related to which concerns. (And again, I also often choose to use a regular old Ruby mixin rather than a concern.)

Criticisms of concerns

You can find a lot of criticisms of concerns online: that concerns are inheritance, and composition is better than inheritance; that concerns don’t necessarily remove dependencies, they just spread them across multiple files; that concerns create circular dependencies; and that when code is spread across multiple files, it can be unclear where methods are defined.

I address all of these criticisms in a separate post called “When used intelligently, Rails concerns are great“. The TL;DR is that concerns can be used either well or poorly, just like any other tool.

A word about service objects

The idea of “service objects” (which means different things depending on who you ask) seems to have grown in popularity in the Rails community in recent years. The most commonly-accepted definition of “service object” seems to be something roughly equivalent to the command pattern.

When service objects are bad

I think the command pattern can have its place. I’ve made use of some small and simple command pattern objects myself. The trouble with service objects (which again is usually the command pattern by a different name, as far as I can tell) is when inexperienced developers reach for service objects reflexively, as a perceived panacea, out of ignorance of the other options available (like regular old OOP abstractions). Not everything is best expressed as a command.

Another problem with service objects, as I’ve already mentioned, is that the term “service object” means different things to different people. When a concept is vague and has multiple meanings, I’d call that a “concept smell”.

When service objects (or rather, the command pattern) can be good

In general I prefer a declarative coding style over an imperative style. But a certain amount of imperative coding is necessary at some point because at some point your declarative code has to get used to actually do something. So maybe you can write 95% of your code in a declarative style but not 100%. The “tip of the pyramid” has to be imperative.

I think service objects—or I think more accurately, the command pattern—can be a decent way to package up the proportion of code in an application that needs to be expressed imperatively. It’s certainly better than stuffing it all in a controller.

Here’s an example of an imperative object I wrote called RemittanceFileParser. The style is imperative but the object is very simple. Most of the “real” work is pushed down to ElectronicRemittanceAdviceFile, which is written in a declarative style. (ElectronicRemittanceAdviceFile in turn delegates its logic to finer-grained declarative objects.)

class RemittanceFileParser
  attr_reader :results

  def initialize(content: nil, insurance_deposit: nil)
    @content = content
    @results =
    @insurance_deposit = insurance_deposit

  def perform
    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
      @results[:claim_payment_items].each do |claim_payment_item|
        claim_payment_item[:services].each do |service|
            service: service,
            claim_payment_item: claim_payment_item,
            remittance_amount: @results[:remittance_amount]

  def string_to_cents(value)
    (value.to_r * 100).to_i

  def save_insurance_payment!(service:, claim_payment_item:, remittance_amount:)
      service_amount_cents: string_to_cents(service[:service_amount]),
      date_of_service: service[:date_of_service],
      cpt_code_freeform: service[:cpt_code],
      npi_code: claim_payment_item[:npi_code],
      patient_control_number: claim_payment_item[:patient_control_number],
      patient_first_name: claim_payment_item[:patient_first_name],
      patient_last_name: claim_payment_item[:patient_last_name],
      ma18_code_present: claim_payment_item[:ma18_code_present],
      medicare_secondary_payer_name: claim_payment_item[:medicare_secondary_payer_name],
      remittance_amount_cents: string_to_cents(remittance_amount)

So I think the takeaway here is: it’s fine and even necessary to use imperative code, but putting all your model code into imperative-style objects as a way of life is probably a mistake. I find it better, to the extent possible, to express my domain concepts as small, declarative objects.

The liberating realization that “you’re on your own”

Coding without frameworks

Imagine that you want to write a command-line Ruby program (no framework) that simulates, say, the Wheel of Fortune game show. As you add more and more code, you realize that Wheel of Fortune is actually pretty complicated, and it takes a lot of code to replicate it.

Because there’s a lot of logic, you wouldn’t be able to just put all your code in one big procedural file. You’d create a confusing mess for yourself pretty quickly if you did. You’d have to impose some structure somehow. And because you’re not using a framework, you’d have to come up with that structure yourself.

How would you structure this code? For me, I’d use the principles of object-oriented programming. I would compose my program of small, crisply-defined, declarative objects. If the program got big enough, I’d create some namespaces to make it easier to see what’s related to what. I might make use of mixins as well. But more than anything else, I’d use objects and OOP principles.

Tiny Rails apps

Now imagine a tiny Rails app that just has a few CRUD interfaces. Unlike our Wheel of Fortune Ruby program which is 0% framework code, this Rails app would be almost 100% framework code. You wouldn’t need to make a single design decision. You’d just need to run rails g scaffold a couple times and maybe add a couple lines for associations.

Large Rails apps

Lastly, imagine a huge Rails app with a lot of complicated domain logic. With an app like this, Rails can only help you so much. Rails can help abstract away common jobs like handling HTTP requests and talking to the database but the framework can’t help with the singularly unique domain logic of your application. No framework ever could.

In order to keep your domain logic organized and sufficiently easy to understand, you of course need not just tools but skills. You’re past the point where Rails can help you structure your code and so you need to impose the structure yourself.

Learning design skills (like the principles of OOP for example) is of course not easy. You’re never done learning. But hopefully the realization that design skills, not Rails, is the key to building maintainable Rails apps, is a useful one. It was for me.


  • The “bloated Active Record model” problem often arises when programmers follow the “skinny controllers, fat models” principle and allow all the domain logic to accumulate in Active Record models.
  • A “model” doesn’t have to mean an Active Record model, but can be any piece of code that models a concept.
  • A couple good ways to organize model code are to use objects and mixins.
  • Using service objects isn’t always necessarily a bad idea, but reflexively using service objects out of ignorance of other code organization options probably is.
  • Once a Rails application grows beyond a certain size, you can no longer rely on Rails itself to help keep your design sound but must rely on your own design skills.

How I keep my Rails controllers organized

The problem to be solved

As a Rails application grows, its controllers tend to accumulate actions beyond the seven RESTful actions (index, show, new, edit, create, update and destroy). The more “custom” actions there are, the harder it can be to understand and work with the controller.

Here are three tactics I use to keep my Rails controllers organized.

First, a note about “skinny controllers, fat models”

The concept of “skinny controllers, fat models” is well-known in the Rails community at this point. For the sake of people who are new to Rails, I want to mention that one good way to keep controllers small is to put complex business logic in models rather than controllers. For more on this topic, I might suggest my posts “What is a Rails model?” and (since service objects are a common but I think misguided recommendation) “How I code without service objects“, as well as the original skinny controllers/fat models post by Jamis Buck.

But even if you put as much business logic as possible in models rather than controllers, you’re still left with some challenges regarding overly large controllers. Here are the main three tactics I use to address these challenges.

Tactic 1: extracting a “hidden resource”

Sometimes, when a controller collects too many custom actions, it’s a sign that there’s some “hidden resource” that’s waiting to be identified and abstracted.

For example, in the application that I work on at work, we have an Active Record model called Message which exists so that internal employees who use the application can message each other. At one point we added the concept of a PTO request, which under the hood is really just a Message, but created through a different UI than regular messages.

We could have put these PTO-request-related actions right inside the main MessagesController but that would have made MessagesController too big and muddy. Instead of just being about regular messages, MessagesController would contain some code about regular messages, some code about PTO requests, and some code that relates to both things. So we didn’t want to do that.

Instead, we created a separate controller called PTORequestsController. Even though we decided to have a resource called a PTO request, we didn’t create a separate Active Record model for that. The PTORequestsController just uses the Message model. Here’s what the controller looks like.

module Messaging
  class PTORequestsController < ApplicationController
    def new
      @message =

    def create
      @message =
          sender: current_user,
          recipients: [User.practice_administrator],
          body: "PTO request from #{current_user.first_name} #{current_user.last_name}\n\n#{@message.body}"

        redirect_to submitted_messaging_pto_requests_path
        render :new

    def submitted


    def message_params

Sometimes, like in this case, the “hidden resource” is pretty obvious from the start and so the original controller can just be left untouched. Other times (and probably more commonly), the original controller slowly grows over time and then a “last straw” moment prompts us to identify a hidden resource and move that resource to a new controller. Sometimes it’s easy to identify a hidden resource and sometimes it’s not.

Tactic 2: same resource, different “lenses”

To review the “hidden resource” example, we had one resource (messages) and then we added a new resource (PTO requests). Making the distinction between messages and PTO requests allowed us to think about the two resources separately and keep their code in separate places. This allowed “regular messages” and PTO requests to be thought about and worked with separately, lowering the overall cognitive cost of the code.

This second tactic applies to a different scenario. Sometimes we don’t want to have a different resource but rather we want to treat the same resource differently. I’ll give another example from the application that I work on at work.

In this application, which is an application for running a medical clinic, we have the concept of an appointment, which can have different meanings in different contexts. For example, in a scheduling context, we care about what time the appointment is for. In a clinical context, we care about the notes the doctor makes regarding the patient’s condition. In a billing context, we care about the charges associated with the appointment.

Early in the application’s life, it was okay for there just to be one single AppointmentsController. But over time AppointmentsController started to get cluttered and harder to understand. So we added a couple new controllers, Billing::AppointmentsController and Chart::AppointmentsController, so that each of these concerns could be dealt with separately. As I’m writing this post, I even realize that it would probably be smart for us to rename AppointmentsController to Schedule::AppointmentsController because almost everything that’s in AppointmentsController is related to scheduling.

Unlike the case of messages and PTO requests, the idea here is not to come up with a new resource but rather to look at the same resource through different lenses. There’s no separate model called Billing::AppointmentsController or Chart::AppointmentsController. The benefit comes from being able to have separate places to deal with separate contexts for the same model.

Tactic 3: dealing with collections separately

This one is a simple one but useful and common enough to be worth mentioning. Sometimes I end up with controllers with actions like bulk_create, bulk_update, etc. in addition to the regular create and update actions. In this case I often create a “collections” controller.

For example, in my application I have a Billing::InsurancePaymentsController and also a Billing::InsurancePaymentCollectionsController. Here’s what the latter controller looks like.

module Billing
  class InsurancePaymentCollectionsController < ApplicationController
    before_action { authorize %i(billing insurance_payment) }

    def create
      @insurance_deposit = InsuranceDeposit.find_by(id: params[:insurance_deposit_id])

      if params[:file].present?
          content: params[:file].read,
          insurance_deposit: @insurance_deposit

        redirect_to new_billing_insurance_deposit_insurance_deposit_reconciliation_path(
        redirect_to request.referer

    def destroy
      InsurancePayment.where(id: params[:ids]).destroy_all
      redirect_to request.referer


  • Controllers often have a tendency to grow over time. When they do, they usually become hard to understand.
  • It’s helpful to put as much business logic as possible in models rather than controllers.
  • A large controller can sometimes be made smaller by extracting a “hidden resource” that uses the same Active Record model but clothed in a different idea.
  • Another way that large controllers can sometimes be broken up is to think about looking at the same resource through different lenses.
  • It can also sometimes be helpful to deal with “bulk actions” in a separate controller.

Understanding Factory Bot syntax by coding your own Factory Bot

What we’re going to do and why

When you look at a Factory Bot factory definition, the syntax might look somewhat mysterious. Here’s an example of such a factory.

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

The goal of this tutorial is to demystify this syntax. The way we’ll do this is to write our own implementation of Factory Bot from scratch. Or, more precisely, we’ll write an implementation of something that behaves indistinguishably from Factory Bot for a few narrow use cases.

Concepts we’ll learn about


Factory Bot syntax makes heavy use of blocks. In this post we’ll learn a little bit about how blocks work.

Message sending

We’ll learn the nuanced distinction between calling a method on an object and sending a message to an object.


We’ll learn how to use Ruby’s method_missing feature so that we can define methods for objects dynamically.

Our objective

Our goal with this post will be to write some code that makes the factory below actually work. Notice that this factory is indistinguishable from a Factory Bot factory except for the fact that it starts with MyFactoryBot rather than FactoryBot.

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

In addition to this factory code, we’ll also need some code that exercises the factory.

Exercising the factory

Here’s some code that will exercise our factory to make sure it actually works. Just like how our factory definition mirrors an actual Factory Bot factory definition, the below code mirrors how we would use a Factory Bot factory.

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

After we get our factory working properly, the above code should produce the following output.

First name: John
Last name: Smith

Let’s get started.

How to follow along

If you’d like to code along with this tutorial, I have a sample project that you can use.

The code in this tutorial depends on a certain Rails project, so I’ve created a GitHub repo at where there’s a Dockerized Rails app, the same exact Rails app that I used to write this tutorial. You’ll find instructions to set up the project on the GitHub page.

The approach

We’ll be writing our “Factory Bot clone” code using a (silly) development methodology that I call “error-driven development”. Error-driven development works like this: you write a piece of code and try to run it. If you get an error when you run the code, you write just enough code to fix that particular error, and nothing more. You repeat this process until you have the result you want.

The reason I sometimes like to code this way is that it prevents me from writing any code that hasn’t been (manually) tested. Surprisingly enough, this “methodology” actually works pretty well.

Building the factory

The first thing to do is to create a file called my_factory_bot.rb and put it at the Rails project root.

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Then we’ll run the code like this:

$ rails run my_factory_bot.rb

The first thing we’ll see is an error saying that MyFactoryBot is not defined.

uninitialized constant MyFactoryBot (NameError)

This is of course true. We haven’t yet defined something called MyFactoryBot. So, in the spirit of practicing “error-driven development”, let’s write enough code to make this particular error go away and nothing more.

class MyFactoryBot

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now, if we run the code again (using the same rails run command from above), we get a different error.

undefined method `define' for MyFactoryBot:Class (NoMethodError)

This is also true. The MyFactoryBot class doesn’t have a method called define. So let’s define it.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now we get a new error.

undefined method `create' for MyFactoryBot:Class (NoMethodError)

This of course comes from the user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user) line. Let’s define a create method in order to make this error go away. Since we’re passing in an argument, :user, when we call create, we’ll need to specify a parameter for the create method. I’m calling the parameter model_sym since it’s a symbol that corresponds to the model that the factory is targeting.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define

  def self.create(model_sym)

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now we get an error for the next line.

undefined method `first_name' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

We’ll deal with this error, but not just yet, because this one will be a little bit tricky, and there are some certain other things that will make sense to do first. Let’s temporarily comment out the lines that call first_name and last_name.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define

  def self.create(model_sym)

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
#puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
#puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now, if we run the file again, we get no errors.

Making it so the factory block gets called

Right now, the block inside of MyFactoryBot.define isn’t getting used at all. Let’s add to the defined method so that the block gets called.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.create(model_sym)

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
#puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
#puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now when we run the file we get the following error.

undefined method `factory' for main:Object (NoMethodError)

It makes sense that we would get an error that says “undefined method factory“. We of course haven’t defined any method called factory

The receiver for the “factory” method

Notice how the error message says undefined method `factory' for main:Object. What’s the main:Object part all about?

Sending a message vs. calling a method

In Ruby you’ll often hear people talk about “sending a message to an object” rather than “calling a method on an object”. The distinction between these things is subtle but significant.

Consider the following bit of code:

a = # [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]

The a variable is an instance of the Array class. When we do a.to_s, we’re sending the to_s message to the a object. The a object will happily respond to the to_s message and return a stringified version of the array: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"

The a object does not respond to (for example) the to_i method. If we send to_i to a, we get an error:

undefined method `to_i' for [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]:Array

Notice the format of the last part of the error message. It’s value of receiving object:class of receiving object.

Understanding main:Object

In Ruby, every message that gets passed has a receiver, even when it doesn’t seem like there would be. When we do e.g. a.to_s, the receiver is obvious: it’s a. What about when we just call e.g. puts?

When we send a message that doesn’t explicitly have a receiver object, the receiver is a special object called main. That’s why when we call factory we get an error message that says undefined local variable or method `factory' for main:Object. The interpreter sends the factory message to main because we’re not explicitly specifying any other receiver object.

Changing the receiver of the factory message

If we want our program to work, we’re going to have to change the receiver of factory from main to something else. If the receiver were just main, then our factory method would have to just be defined out in the open, not as part of any object. If the factory method is not defined as part of any object, then it can’t easily share any data with any object, and we’ll have a pretty tough time.

We can change the receiver of the factory message by using a Ruby method called instance_exec.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.create(model_sym)

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
#puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
#puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

The instance_exec method will execute our block in the context of self. We can see that now, when we run our file, our error message has changed. The receiver object is no longer main. It’s now MyFactoryBot.

undefined method `factory' for MyFactoryBot:Class (NoMethodError)

Let’s add the factory method to MyFactoryBot.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym)

  def self.create(model_sym)

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
#puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
#puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now we don’t get any errors.

We know we’ll also need to invoke the block inside of the factory call, so let’s use another instance_exec inside of the factory method to do that.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)

  def self.create(model_sym)

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
#puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
#puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now it’s complaining, unsurprisingly, that there’s no method called first_name.

undefined method `first_name' for MyFactoryBot:Class (NoMethodError)

Adding the first_name and last_name methods

We of course need to define methods called first_name and last_name somewhere. We could conceivably add them on the MyFactoryBot class, but it would probably work out better to have a separate instance for each factory that we define, since of course a real application will have way more than just one factory.

Let’s make it so that the factory method creates an instance of a new class called MyFactory and then invokes the block on MyFactory.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)
    factory =

  def self.create(model_sym)

class MyFactory

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
#puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
#puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

We of course still haven’t actually defined a method called first_name, so we still get an error about that, although the receiver is not MyFactory rather than MyFactoryBot.

undefined method `first_name' for #<MyFactory:0x0000ffff9a955ae8> (NoMethodError)

Let’s define a first_name and last_name method on MyFactory in order to make this error message go away.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)
    factory =

  def self.create(model_sym)

class MyFactory
  def first_name

  def last_name

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
#puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
#puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now we get no errors.

Providing values for first_name and last_name

Let’s now come back and uncomment the last two lines of the file, the lines that output values for first_name and last_name.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)
    factory =

  def self.create(model_sym)

class MyFactory
  def first_name

  def last_name

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

We get an error.

undefined method `first_name' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

Remember that every message in Ruby has a receiver. Apparently in this case the receiver for first_name when we do user.first_name is nil. In other words, user is nil. That’s obviously not going to work out. It does make sense, though, because MyFactoryBot.create(:user) has no return value.

Let’s try making it so that MyFactoryBot#create returns our instance of MyFactory.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)
    @factory =

  def self.create(model_sym)

class MyFactory
  def first_name

  def last_name

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now there are no errors but, but there are also no values present in the output we see.

First name: 
Last name:

Let’s have a closer look and see exactly what user is.

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

The user object is an instance of MyFactory.

First name: 
Last name:

This was maybe a good intermediate step but we of course want user to be an instance of our Active Record User class, just like how the real Factory Bot does. Let’s change MyFactoryBot#create so that it returns an instance of User.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)
    @factory =

  def self.create(model_sym)

class MyFactory
  attr_reader :user

  def initialize
    @user =

  def first_name

  def last_name

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

This gives no errors but there are still no values present.

In order for the first_name and last_name methods to return values, let’s make it so each one calls the block that it’s given.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)
    @factory =

  def self.create(model_sym)

class MyFactory
  attr_reader :user

  def initialize
    @user =

  def first_name(&block)
    @user.first_name =

  def last_name(&block)
    @user.last_name =

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

Now we see “John” and “Smith” as our first and last name values.

First name: John
Last name: Smith

Generalizing the factory

What if we wanted to add this? It wouldn’t work.

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }
    email { "" }

Obviously we can’t just have hard-coded first_name and last_name methods in our factory. We need to make it so our factory can respond to any messages that are sent to it (provided of course that those messages correspond to actual attributes on our Active Record models).

Let’s take the first step toward generalizing our methods. Instead of @user.first_name =, we’ll do @user.send("first_name=",, which is equivalent.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)
    @factory =

  def self.create(model_sym)

class MyFactory
  attr_reader :user

  def initialize
    @user =

  def first_name(&block)

  def last_name(&block)

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

We can go even further than this. Rather than having methods called first_name and last_name, we can use Ruby’s method_missing to dynamically respond to any message that gets sent.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)
    @factory =

  def self.create(model_sym)

class MyFactory
  attr_reader :user

  def initialize
    @user =

  def method_missing(attr, *args, &block)
    # If the message that's sent is e.g. first_name, then
    # the value of attr will be :first_name, and the value
    # of "#{attr}=" will be "first_name=".

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }
    email { "" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"
puts "Email: #{}"

If we run our file again, we can see that our method_missing code handles not only first_name and last_name but email as well.

First name: John
Last name: Smith

More generalization

What if we want to have more factories besides just one for User? I happen to have a model in my Rails app called Website. What if I wanted to have a factory for that?

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :website do
    name { "Google" }
    url { "" }

Right now, it wouldn’t work because I have the User class hard-coded in my factory.

undefined method `name=' for #<User:0x0000ffff8f950d28> (NoMethodError)

Let’s make it so that rather than hard-coding User, we set the class dynamically. Let’s also make it so that the argument you pass to the factory method (e.g. :user or :website) retries the appropriate factory. We can accomplish this by putting our factories into a hash.

class MyFactoryBot
  def self.define(&block)

  def self.factory(model_sym, &block)
    @factories ||= {}
    @factories[model_sym] =

  def self.create(model_sym)

class MyFactory
  attr_reader :record

  def initialize(model_sym)
    @record =

  def method_missing(attr, *args, &block)

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name { "John" }
    last_name { "Smith" }

MyFactoryBot.define do
  factory :website do
    name { "Google" }
    url { "" }

user = MyFactoryBot.create(:user)
puts "First name: #{user.first_name}"
puts "Last name: #{user.last_name}"

website = MyFactoryBot.create(:website)
puts "Name: #{}"
puts "URL: #{website.url}"

Now, when we run our file, both factories work.

First name: John
Last name: Smith

Name: Google


  • Factory Bot syntax (and other DSLs) aren’t magic. They’re just Ruby.
  • Blocks can be a powerful way to make your code more expressive and understandable.
  • In Ruby, it’s often more useful to talk about “sending messages to objects” rather than “calling methods on objects”.
  • Every message sent in Ruby has a receiver. When a receiver is not explicitly specified, the receiver is a special object called main.
  • The method_missing method can allow your objects to respond to messages dynamically.

How I organize my Rails apps


Influenced by the experiences I’ve had last over many years of building and maintaining Rails applications, combined with my experiences using other technologies, I’ve developed some ways of structuring Rails applications that have worked out pretty well for me.

Some of my organizational tactics follow conventional wisdom, like keeping controllers thin. Other of my tactics are ones I haven’t really seen in others’ applications but wish I would.

Here’s an overview of the topics I touch on in this post.

  • Controllers
  • Namespaces
  • Models
  • ViewComponents
  • The lib folder
  • Concerns
  • Background jobs
  • JavaScript
  • Tests
  • Service objects
  • How I think about Rails code organization in general

Let’s start with controllers.


The most common type of controller in most Rails applications is a controller that’s based on an Active Record resource. For example, if there’s a customers database table then there will also be a Customer model class and a controller called CustomersController.

The problem

Controllers can start to get nasty when there get to be too many “custom” actions beyond the seven RESTful actions of index, new, create, edit, update, show and destroy.

Let’s say we have a CustomersController that, among other things, allows the user to send messages about a customer (by creating instances of a Message, let’s say). The relevant actions might be called new_message and create_message. This is maybe not that bad, but it clutters up the controller a little, and if you have enough custom actions on a controller then the controller can get pretty messy and hard to comprehend.

The solution

What I like to do in these scenarios is create a “custom” controller called e.g. CustomerMessagesController. There’s no database table called customer_messages or class called CustomerMessage. The concept of a “customer message” is just something I made up. But now that this idea exists, my CustomersController#new_message and CustomersController#create_message actions can become CustomerMessagesController#new and CustomerMessagesController#create. I find this much tidier.

And as long as I’m at it, I’ll even create a PORO (plain old Ruby object) called CustomerMessage where I can handle the business of creating a new customer message as not to clutter up either Customer or Message with this stuff which is really not all that relevant to either of those classes. I might put a create or create! method on CustomerMessage which creates the appropriate Message for me.

Furthermore, I’ll also often put include ActiveModel::Model into my PORO so that I can bind the PORO to a form as though it were a regular old Active Record model.


Pieces of code are easier to understand when they don’t require you to also understand other pieces of code as a prerequisite. To use an extreme example to illustrate the point, it would obviously be impossible to understand a program so tangled with dependencies that understanding any of it required understanding all of it.

So, anything we can do to allow small chunks of our programs understandable in isolation is typically going to make our program easier to work with.

Namespaces serve as a signal that certain parts of the application are more related to each other than they are to anything else. For example, in the application I work on at work, I have a namespace called Billing. I have another namespace called Schedule. A developer who’s new to the codebase could look at the Billing and Schedule namespaces and rightly assume that when they’re thinking about one, they can mostly ignore the other.


Some of my models are sufficiently fundamental that it doesn’t make sense to put them into any particular namespace. I have a model called Appointment that’s like this. An Appointment is obviously a scheduling concern a lot of the time, but just as often it’s a clinical concern or a billing concern. An appointment can’t justifiably be “owned” by any one namespace.

This doesn’t mean I can’t still benefit from namespaces though. I have a controller called Billing::AppointmentsController which views appointments through a billing lens. I have another controller called Chart::AppointmentsController which views appointments through a clinical lens. For scheduling, we have two calendar views, one that shows one day at a time and one that shows one month at a time. So I have two controllers for that: Schedule::ByDayCalendar::AppointmentsController and Schedule::ByMonthCalendar::AppointmentsController. Imagine trying to cram all this stuff into a single AppointmentsController. This idea of having namespaced contexts for broad models has been very useful.


I of course keep my models in app/models just like everybody else. What’s maybe a little less common is the way I conceive of models. I don’t just think of models as classes that inherit from ApplicationRecord. To me, a model is anything that models something.

So a lot of the models I keep in app/models are just POROs. According to a count I did while writing this post, I have 115 models in app/models that inherit from ApplicationRecord and 439 that don’t. So that’s about 20% Active Record models and 80% POROs.


Thanks to the structural devices that Rails provides natively (controllers, models, views, concerns, etc.) combined with the structural devices I’ve imposed myself (namespaces, a custom model structure), I’ve found that most code in my Rails apps can easily be placed in a fitting home.

One exception to this for a long time for me was view-related logic. View-related logic is often too voluminous and detail-oriented to comfortably live in the view, but too tightly coupled with the DOM or other particulars of the view to comfortably live in a model, or anywhere else. The view-related code created a disturbance wherever it lived.

The solution I ultimately settled on for this problem is ViewComponents. In my experience, ViewComponents can provide a tidy way to package up a piece of non-trivial view-related logic in a way that allows me to maintain a consistent level of abstraction in both my views and my models.

The lib folder

I have a rough rule of thumb is that if a piece of code could conceivably be extracted into a gem and used in any application, I put it in lib. Things that end up in lib for me include custom form builders, custom API wrappers, custom generators and very general utility classes.


In a post of DHH’s regarding concerns, he says “Concerns are also a helpful way of extracting a slice of model that doesn’t seem part of its essence”. I think that’s a great way to put it and that’s how I use concerns as well.

Like any programming device, concerns can be abused or used poorly. I sometimes come across criticisms of concerns, but to me what’s being criticized is not exactly concerns but bad concerns. If you’re interested in what those criticisms are and how I write concerns, I wrote a post about it here.

Background jobs

I keep my background job workers very thin, just like controllers. It’s my belief that workers shouldn’t do things, they should only call things. Background job workers are a mechanical device, not a code organization device.


I use JavaScript as little as possible. Not because I particularly have anything against JavaScript, but because the less “dynamic” an application is, and the fewer technologies it involves, the easier I find it to understand.

When I do write JavaScript, I use a lot of POJOs (plain old JavaScript objects). I use Stimulus to help keep things organized. To test my JavaScript code, I exercise it using system specs. The way I see it, it’s immaterial from a testing perspective whether I implement my features using JavaScript or Ruby. System specs can exercise it all just fine.


Being “the Rails testing guy”, I of course write a lot of tests. I use RSpec not because I necessarily think it’s the best testing framework from a technical perspective but rather just to swim with the current. I practice TDD a lot of the time but not all the time. Most of my tests are model specs and system specs.

If you’re curious to learn more about how I do testing, you can read my many Rails testing articles or check out my Rails testing book.

Service objects

Since service objects are apparently so popular these days, I feel compelled to mention that I don’t use service objects. Instead, I use regular old OOP. What a lot of people might model as procedural service object code, I model as declarative objects. I write more about this here.

How I think about Rails code organization in general

I see Rails as an amazingly powerful tool to save me from repetitive work via its conventions. Rails also provides really nice ways of organizing certain aspects of code: controllers, views, ORM, database connections, migrations, and many other things.

At the same time, the benefits that Rails provides have a limit. One you find yourself past that limit (which inevitably does happen if you have a non-trivial application) you either need to provide some structure of your own or you’re likely going to end up with a mess. Specifically, once your model layer grows fairly large, Rails is no longer going to help you very much.

The way I’ve chosen to organize my model code is to use OOP. Object-oriented programming is obviously a huge topic and so I won’t try to convey here what I think OOP is all about. But I think if a Rails developer learns good OOP principles, and applies them to their Rails codebase, specifically in the model layer, then it can go a long way toward keeping a Rails app organized, perhaps more than anything else.

How and why to Dockerize your Rails app’s database

Why to Dockerize your database

Dockerizing helps ease the pain of dependencies

Getting a new developer set up with a Rails app (or any app) can be tedious. Part of the tedium is the chore of manually installing all the dependencies: Ruby, RVM, Rails, PostgreSQL, Redis, etc.

It would be really nice if that developer could just run a single command and have all that app’s dependencies installed on their computer rather than having to install dependencies manually.

This ideal is in fact possible if you fully Dockerize your app. If you want to, you can create a Docker setup that will make it so you don’t have to install anything manually: no Ruby, no Rails, no RVM, no PostgreSQL, no Redis, nothing. It’s very nice.

Fully Dockerizing has drawbacks

Unfortunately, fully Dockerizing a Rails app isn’t without trade-offs. When working with a Dockerized app, there’s a performance hit, there are some issues with using binding.pry, and system specs/system tests in such a way that you can see them run in a browser is next to impossible.

None of these obstacles is insurmountable, but if you don’t want to deal with these issues, you can choose to Dockerize just some of your app’s dependencies instead of all of them.

Partial Dockerization

The Docker setup I use at work is a hybrid approach. I let Docker handle my PostgreSQL and Redis dependencies. I install all my other dependencies manually. This makes it so I don’t have to live with the downsides of full Dockerization but I still get to skip installing some of my dependencies. Any dependency I can skip is a win.

The example I’m going to show you shortly is an even simpler case. Rather than Dockerizing PostgreSQL and Redis, we’re only going to Dockerize PostgreSQL. I’m doing it this way in the interest of showing the simplest possible example.

Dockerizing for development vs. production

I want to add a note for clarity. The Docker setups I’ve been discussing so far are all development setups. There are two ways to Dockerize an app: for a development environment and for a production environment. Development environments and production environments of course have vastly different needs and so a different Docker setup is required for each. In a production environment we wouldn’t run PostgreSQL and a Rails server on the same machine. We’d have a separate database server instead. So I want to be clear that this Docker setup is for development only.

How to Dockerize your database

In order to Dockerize our database we’re going to use Docker Compose. Docker Compose is a tool that a) lets you specify and configure your development environment’s dependencies, b) installs those dependencies for you, and c) runs those dependencies.

Initializing the Rails app

Before we do anything Docker-related, let’s initialize a new Rails app that uses PostgreSQL.

$ rails new my_app -d postgresql

Adding a Docker Compose config file

Here’s the Docker Compose config file. It’s called docker-compose.yml and goes at the project root. This file, again, is what specifies our development environment’s dependencies. I’ve annotated the file to help you understand what’s what.

# docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'

# The "services" directive lists all the services your
# app depends on. In this case there's only one: PostgreSQL.

  # We give each service an arbitrary name. I've called
  # our PostgreSQL service "postgresql".

    # Docker Hub hosts images of common services for
    # people to use. The postgres:13.1-alpine is an
    # image that uses the Alpine Linux distribution,
    # very lightweight Linux distribution that people
    # often use when Dockerizing development environments.
    image: postgres:13.1-alpine

    # PostgreSQL has to put its data somewhere. Here
    # we're saying to put the data in /var/lib/postgresql/data.
    # The "delegated" part specifies the strategy for
    # syncing the container's data with our host machine.
    # (Another option would be "cached".)
      - postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data:delegated

    # This says to make our PostgreSQL service available
    # on port 5432.
      - ""

    # This section specifies any environment variables
    # that we want to exist on our Docker container.
      # Use "my_app" as our PostgreSQL username.
      POSTGRES_USER: my_app

      # Set POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD to "trust" to
      # allow passwordless authentication.


Next we’ll have to change config/database.yml ever so slightly in order to get it to be able to talk to our PostgreSQL container. We need to set the username to my_app and set the host to

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>

  # This must match what POSTGRES_USER was set to in docker-compose.yml.
  username: my_app

  # This must be and not localhost.

  <<: *default
  database: my_app_development

  <<: *default
  database: my_app_test

  <<: *default
  database: my_app_production
  username: my_app
  password: <%= ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] %>


If we put a file called init.sql at the project root, Docker will find it and execute it. It’s necessary to have an SQL script that creates a user called my_app or else PostgreSQL will give us an error saying (truthfully) that there’s no user called my_app.


It’s very important that the init.sql file is in place before we proceed. If the init.sql file is not in place or not correct, it can be a difficult error to recover from.

Using the Dockerized database

Run docker-compose up to start the PostgreSQL service.

$ docker-compose up

Now we can create the database.

$ rails db:create

As long as the creation completed successfully, we can connect to the database.

$ rails db

Now we’re connected to a PostgreSQL database without having had to actually install PostgreSQL.

Rubyists to follow on Twitter

If you’d like to keep your finger on the pulse in the Ruby world, here’s a list of Rubyists you can follow. The list is in alphabetical order by last name.

The list

Bozhidar Batsov
Author of RuboCop.

Rob Bazinet
Rubyist, blogger.

Nate Berkopec
Rails performance expert, author of the Complete Guide to Rails Performance.

Mike Buckbee
Creator of Expedited Security.

Jason Charnes
Co-host of the Remote Ruby podcast.

Ken Collins
Principal Engineer at Custom Ink.

Dave Copeland
Author of Sustainable Web Development
with Ruby on Rails

Peter Cooper
Creator of Ruby Weekly.

Andy Croll
Organizer of Brighton Ruby.

Andrew Culver
Creator of Bullet Train.

Vladimir Dementyev
Developer at Evil Martians, blogger and conference speaker.

Andrea Fomera
Creator of Learn Hotwire by Building a Forum.

Rafael França
Rails core team member.

Noah Gibbs
Author of Rebuilding Rails.

Justin Gordon
Founder of ShakaCode.

Avdi Grimm
Creator of Ruby Tapas.

Kirk Haines
Principal DevRel at New Relic.

David Heinemeier Hansson
Creator of Ruby on Rails.

Michael Hartl
Creator of The Ruby on Rails Tutorial.

Nate Hopkins
Creator of CableReady and StimulusReflex.

Jemma Issroff
Writes and speaks on Ruby garbage collection, writes weekly tips for Ruby Weekly.

Ross Kaffenberger
Rubyist and blogger.

Ufuk Kayserilioglu
Production Engineering Manager at Shopify.

Dave Kimura
Creator of Drifting Ruby.

Brittany Martin
Host of the 5by5 Ruby on Rails Podcast.

Joe Masilotti
Creator of Mugshot Bot.

Andrew Mason
Co-host of the Remote Ruby podcast.

Yukihiro Matsumoto AKA Matz
Creator of the Ruby language.

Dan Mayer
Rubyist, blogger.

Adam McCrea
Creator of Rails Autoscale.

Sandi Metz
Author of POODR and 99 Bottles of OOP.

Directory at Ruby Central, blogger.

Mike Perham
Creator of Sidekiq.

Chad Pytel
COO of thoughtbot.

Charles Nutter
Co-lead of the JRuby project.

Chris Oliver
Creator of Go Rails, Jumpstart, HatchBox and Rails Bytes. Co-host of the Remote Ruby podcast.

Aaron Patterson
Teller of jokes.

Noel Rappin
Author of Modern Front-End Development for Rails and other Rails-related books.

Frank Rietta
CEO of Rietta Inc..

Mike Rogers
I know Mike best for his Docker-Rails template.

Robby Russell
CEO of Planet Argon.

Richard Schneeman
Creator of CodeTriage, a maintainer of Puma.

Colleen Schnettler
Creator of Simple File Upload.

Justin Searls
Co-founder of Test Double.

Prathamesh Sonpatki
Prolific blogger and conference speaker.

Jesse Spevack
Rubyist, conference speaker.

Kelly Sutton
Blogger, conference speaker, engineer at Gusto.

Matt Swanson
Creator of Boring Rails.

Ernesto Tagwerker
Founder of and OmbuLabs.

Eileen Uchitelle
Principal Engineer at GitHub, Rails core team member, conference speaker.

Brandon Weaver
Rubyist, blogger, conference speaker.

Jared White
Rubyist, blogger.

Samuel Williams
Member of Ruby core team.

Josh Wood
Co-founder of Honeybadger, co-host of FounderQuest.

Jake Yesbeck
Rubyist, blogger.

Ender Ahmet Yurt
Co-Organizer of Ruby Turkey.

Rob Zolkos
Rails developer, prolific help-provider in the Ruby on Rails Slack.

Jason Swett
That would be me.

A VCR + WebMock “hello world” tutorial


VCR and WebMock are tools that help deal with challenges related to tests that make network requests. In this post I’ll explain what VCR and WebMock are and then show a “hello world”-level example of using the two tools.

Why VCR and WebMock exist


One of the principles of testing is that tests should be deterministic. The passing or failing of a test should be determined by the content of the application code and nothing else. All the tests in the test suite should pass regardless of what order they were run in, what time of day they were run, or any other factor.

For this reason we have to run tests in their own encapsulated world. If we want determinism, we can’t let tests talk to the network, because the network (and things in the network) are susceptible to change and breakage.

Imagine an app that talks to a third-party API. Imagine that the tests hit that API each time they’re run. Now imagine that on one of the test runs, the third-party API happens to go down for a moment, causing our tests to fail. Our test failure is illogical because the tests are telling us our code is broken, but it’s not our code that’s broken, it’s the outside world that’s broken.

If we’re not to talk to the network, we need a way to simulate our interactions with the network so that our application can still behave normally. This is where tools like VCR and WebMock come in.

Production data

We also don’t want tests to alter actual production data. It would obviously be bad if we for example wrote a test for deleting users and then that test deleted real production users. So another benefit of tools like VCR and WebMock is that they save us from having to touch real production data.

The difference between VCR and WebMock

VCR is a tool that will record your application’s HTTP interactions and play them back later. Very little code is necessary. VCR tricks your application into thinking it’s receiving responses from the network when really the application is just receiving prerecorded VCR data.

WebMock, on the other hand, has no feature for recording and replaying HTTP interactions in the way that VCR does, although HTTP interactions can still be faked. Unlike VCR’s record/playback features, WebMock’s network stubbing is more code-based and fine-grained. In this tutorial we’re going to take a very basic look at WebMock and VCR to show a “hello world” level usage.

What we’re going to do

This post will serve as a simple illustration of how to use VCR and WebMock to meet the need that these tools were designed to meet: running tests that hit the network without actually hitting the network.

If you’d like to follow along with this tutorial, I’d suggest first setting up a Rails app for testing according to the instructions in this post.

The scenario

We’re going to write a small search feature that hits a third-party API. We’re also going to write a test that exercises that search feature and therefore hits the third-party API as well.


Once we have our test in place we’ll install and configure WebMock. This will disallow any network requests. As a result, our test will stop working.


Lastly, we’ll install and configure VCR. VCR knows how to talk with WebMock. Because of this, VCR and WebMock can come to an agreement together that it’s okay for our test to hit the network under certain controlled conditions. VCR will record the HTTP interactions that occur during the test and then, on any subsequent runs of the test, VCR will use the recorded interactions rather than making fresh HTTP interactions for each run.

The feature

The feature we’re going to write for this tutorial is one that searches the NPI registry, a government database of healthcare providers. The user can type a provider’s first and last name, hit Search, and then see any matches.

Below is the controller code.

# app/controllers/npi_searches_controller.rb


class NPISearchesController < ApplicationController
  def new
    @results = []
    return unless params[:first_name].present? || params[:last_name].present?

    query_string = {
      first_name: params[:first_name],
      last_name: params[:last_name],
      version: TARGET_VERSION,
      address_purpose: ""

    uri = URI("#{ENDPOINT_URL}/?#{query_string}")
    response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
    @results = JSON.parse(response.body)["results"]

Here’s the template that goes along with this controller action.

<!-- app/views/npi_searches/new.html.erb -->

<h1>New NPI Search</h1>

<%= form_tag new_npi_search_path, method: :get do %>
  <%= text_field_tag :first_name, params[:first_name], class: "p-1" %>
  <%= text_field_tag :last_name, params[:last_name], class: "p-1" %>
  <%= submit_tag "Search", class: "p-1" %>
<% end %>

<% @results.each do |result| %>
    <%= result["basic"]["name_prefix"] %>
    <%= result["basic"]["first_name"] %>
    <%= result["basic"]["last_name"] %>
    <%= result["number"] %>
<% end %>

The test

Our test will be a short system spec that types “joel” and “fuhrman” into the first and last name fields respectively, clicks Search, then asserts that Joel Fuhrman’s NPI code (a unique identifier for a healthcare provider) shows up on the page.

# spec/system/npi_search_spec.rb

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "NPI search", type: :system do
  it "shows the physician's NPI number" do
    visit new_npi_search_path
    fill_in "first_name", with: "joel"
    fill_in "last_name", with: "fuhrman"
    click_on "Search"

    # 1386765287 is the NPI code for Dr. Joel Fuhrman
    expect(page).to have_content("1386765287")

If we run this test at this point, it passes.

Installing and Configuring WebMock

We don’t want our tests to be able to just make network requests willy-nilly. We can install WebMock so that no HTTP requests can be made without our noticing.

First we add the webmock gem to our Gemfile.

# Gemfile

group :development, :test do
  gem "webmock"

Second, we can create a new file at spec/support/webmock.rb.

# spec/support/webmock.rb

# This line makes it so WebMock and RSpec know how to talk to each other.
require "webmock/rspec"

# This line disables HTTP requests, with the exception of HTTP requests
# to localhost.
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)

Remember that files in spec/support won’t get loaded unless you have the line in spec/rails_helper.rb uncommented that loads these files.

# spec/rails_helper.rb

# Make sure to uncomment this line
Dir[Rails.root.join('spec', 'support', '**', '*.rb')].sort.each { |f| require f }

Seeing the test fail

If we run our test again now that WebMock is installed, it will fail, saying “Real HTTP connections are disabled”. We also get some instructions on how to stub this request if we like. We’re not going to do that, though, because we’re going to use VCR instead.


  1) NPI search shows the physician's NPI number
   Failure/Error: response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)

     Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: GET with headers {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Host'=>'', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}

     You can stub this request with the following snippet:

     stub_request(:get, "").
         headers: {
         to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {})


Installing and Configuring VCR

First we’ll add the vcr gem to our Gemfile.

# Gemfile

group :development, :test do
  gem 'vcr'

Next we’ll add the following config file. I’ve added annotations so you can understand what each line is.

# spec/support/vcr.rb

VCR.configure do |c|
  # This is the directory where VCR will store its "cassettes", i.e. its
  # recorded HTTP interactions.
  c.cassette_library_dir = "spec/cassettes"

  # This line makes it so VCR and WebMock know how to talk to each other.
  c.hook_into :webmock

  # This line makes VCR ignore requests to localhost. This is necessary
  # even if WebMock's allow_localhost is set to true.
  c.ignore_localhost = true

  # ChromeDriver will make requests to
  # to (I believe) check for updates. These requests will just show up as
  # noise in our cassettes unless we tell VCR to ignore these requests.
  c.ignore_hosts ""

Adding VCR to our test

Now we can add VCR to our test by adding a block to it that starts with VCR.use_cassette "npi_search" do. The npi_search part is just arbitrary and tells VCR what to call our cassette.

# spec/system/npi_search_spec.rb

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "NPI search", type: :system do
  it "shows the physician's NPI number" do
    VCR.use_cassette "npi_search" do # <---------------- add this
      visit new_npi_search_path
      fill_in "first_name", with: "joel"
      fill_in "last_name", with: "fuhrman"
      click_on "Search"

      expect(page).to have_content("1386765287")

Last time we ran this test it failed because WebMock was blocking its HTTP request. If we run the test now, it will pass, because VCR and WebMock together are allowing the HTTP request to happen.

If we look in the spec/cassettes directory after running this test, we’ll see that there’s a new file there called npi_search.yml. Its contents look like the following.

- request:
    method: get
      encoding: US-ASCII
      string: ''
      - gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
      - "*/*"
      - Ruby
      code: 200
      message: OK
      - Sat, 17 Apr 2021 11:13:41 GMT
      - application/json
      - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
      - TS017b4e40=01acfeb9489bd3c233ef0e8a55b458849e619bdc886c02193c4772ba662379fa1f8493887950c06233f28bbbaac373afba8b58b00f;
      - chunked
      encoding: UTF-8
      string: '{"result_count":1, "results":[{"enumeration_type": "NPI-1", "number":
        1386765287, "last_updated_epoch": 1183852800, "created_epoch": 1175472000,
        "basic": {"name_prefix": "DR.", "first_name": "JOEL", "last_name": "FUHRMAN",
        "middle_name": "H", "credential": "MD", "sole_proprietor": "YES", "gender":
        "M", "enumeration_date": "2007-04-02", "last_updated": "2007-07-08", "status":
        "A", "name": "FUHRMAN JOEL"}, "other_names": [], "addresses": [{"country_code":
        "US", "country_name": "United States", "address_purpose": "LOCATION", "address_type":
        "DOM", "address_1": "4 WALTER E FORAN BLVD", "address_2": "SUITE 409", "city":
        "FLEMINGTON", "state": "NJ", "postal_code": "088224664", "telephone_number":
        "908-237-0200", "fax_number": "908-237-0210"}, {"country_code": "US", "country_name":
        "United States", "address_purpose": "MAILING", "address_type": "DOM", "address_1":
        "4 WALTER E FORAN BLVD", "address_2": "SUITE 409", "city": "FLEMINGTON", "state":
        "NJ", "postal_code": "088224664", "telephone_number": "908-237-0200", "fax_number":
        "908-237-0210"}], "taxonomies": [{"code": "207Q00000X", "desc": "Family Medicine",
        "primary": true, "state": "NJ", "license": "25MA05588600"}], "identifiers":
  recorded_at: Sat, 17 Apr 2021 11:13:41 GMT
recorded_with: VCR 6.0.0

Each time this test is run, VCR will ask, “Is there a cassette called npi_search?” If not, VCR will allow the HTTP request to go out, and a new cassette will be recorded for that HTTP request. If there is an existing cassette called npi_search, VCR will block the HTTP request and just use the recorded cassette in its place.


  • Tests should be deterministic. The passing or failing of a test should be determined by the content of the application code and nothing else.
  • We don’t want tests to be able to alter production data.
  • WebMock can police our app to stop it from making external network requests.
  • VCR can record our tests’ network interactions for playback later.