Understanding Ruby closures

by Jason Swett,

Why you’d want to know about Ruby closures

Ruby blocks are one of the areas of the language that’s simultaneously one of the most fundamental parts of the language but perhaps one of the hardest to understand.

Ruby functions like map and each operate using blocks. You’ll also find heavy use of blocks in popular Ruby libraries including Ruby on Rails itself.

If you start to dig into Ruby blocks, you’ll discover that, in order to understand blocks, you have to understand something else called Proc objects.

And as if that weren’t enough, you’ll then discover that if you want to deeply understand Proc objects, you’ll have to understand closures.

The concept of a closure is one that suffers from 1) an arguably misleading name (more about this soon) and 2) unhelpful, jargony explanations online.

My goal with this post is to provide an explanation of closures in plain language that can be understood by someone without a Computer Science background. And in fact, a Computer Science background is not needed, it’s only the poor explanations of closures that make it seem so.

Let’s dig deeper into what a closure actually is.

What a closure is

A closure is a record which stores a function plus (potentially) some variables.

I’m going to break this definition into parts to reduce the chances that any part of it is misunderstood.

  • A closure is a record
  • which stores a function
  • plus (potentially) some variables

I’m going to discuss each part of this definition individually.

First, a reminder: the whole reason we’re interested in Ruby closures is because of the Ruby concept called a Proc object, which is heavily involved in blocks. A Proc object is a closure. Therefore, all the examples of closures in this post will take the form of Proc objects.

If you’re not yet familiar with Proc objects, I would suggest taking a look at my other post, Understanding Ruby Proc objects, before continuing. It will help you understand the ideas in this post better.

First point: “A closure is a record”

A closure is a value that can be assigned to a variable or some other kind of “record”. The term “record” doesn’t have a special technical meaning here, we just use the word “record” because it’s broader than “variable”. Shortly we’ll see an example of a closure being assigned to something other than a variable.

Here’s a Proc object that’s assigned to a variable.

my_proc = Proc.new { puts "I'm in a closure!" }

Remember that every Proc object is a closure. When we do Proc.new we’re creating a Proc object and thus a closure.

Here’s another closure example. Here, instead of assigning the closure to a variable, we’re assigning the closure to a key in a hash. The point here is that the thing a closure gets assigned to isn’t always a variable. That’s why we say “record” and not “variable”.

my_stuff = { my_proc: Proc.new { puts "I'm in a closure too!" } }

Second point: “which stores a function”

As you may have deduced, or as you may have already known, the code between the braces (puts "I'm in a closure!") is the function we’re talking about when we say “a closure is a record which stores a function”.

my_proc = Proc.new { puts "I'm in a closure!" }

A closure can be thought of as a function “packed up” into a variable. (Or, more precisely, a variable or some other kind of record.)

Third point: “plus (potentially) some variables”

Here’s a Proc object (which, remember, is a closure) that involves an outside variable.

The variable number_of_exclamation_points gets included in the “environment” of the closure. Each time we call the closure that we’ve named amplifier, the number_of_exclamation_points variable gets incremented and one additional exclamation point gets added to the string that gets outputted.

number_of_exclamation_points = 0

amplifier = Proc.new do
  number_of_exclamation_points += 1
  "louder" + ("!" * number_of_exclamation_points)

puts amplifier.call # louder!
puts amplifier.call # louder!!
puts amplifier.call # louder!!!
puts amplifier.call # louder!!!!
puts number_of_exclamation_points # 4 - the original variable was mutated

As a side note, I find the name “closure” to be misleading. The fact that the above closure can mutate number_of_exclamation_points, a variable outside the function’s scope, seems to me like a decidedly un-closed idea. In fact, it seems like there’s a tunnel, an opening, between the closure and the outside scope, through which changes can leak.

I personally started having an easy time understanding closures once I stopped trying to connect the idea of “a closed thing” with the mechanics of how closures actually work.


  • Ruby blocks heavily involve Proc objects.
  • Every Proc object is a closure.
  • A closure is a record which stores a function plus (potentially) some variables.

One thought on “Understanding Ruby closures

  1. Reet Chowdhary

    Hi Jason, thanks for writing this article, I found it informative! I think there could be a modification that would better elucidate how closures work and I wanted to see what you think.

    You said that you find the name “closure” to be misleading because the `amplifier` Proc changes the value of `number_of_exclamation_points` in the enclosing (global) scope and the rest of the program can see that change. I think the following would better elucidate the notion of “closing over” variables in an enclosing scope:

    def create_amplifier
    number_of_exclamation_points = 0

    return Proc.new do
    number_of_exclamation_points += 1
    “louder” + (“!” * number_of_exclamation_points)

    amplifier1 = create_amplifier
    amplifier2 = create_amplifier

    puts amplifier1.call # louder!
    puts amplifier2.call # louder!
    puts amplifier1.call # louder!!
    puts amplifier2.call # louder!!

    In this example, `number_of_exclamation_points` goes out of scope after the `create_amplifier` function finishes executing, and yet, the variable is held onto (closed over) inside of `amplifier1` and `amplifier2`. This shows the encapsulation a bit more and lines up with the name “closure”.

    I think the thing that makes it harder to understand closures in this article is that `number_of_exclamation_points` is global and never goes out of scope, so it feels leaky because the whole program has access to it. Normally, one would do a higher order function to create the closure and encapsulate the variables in which case the rest of the program wouldn’t have access to it.

    Since this is one of the big articles that comes up for ruby closures/procs/blocks thought it might be worth flagging.



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