Update: this video is now out of date. See demo video #2 for a more up-to-date version.
Recently I decided to begin work on a tool that makes it easier to deploy Rails apps to AWS. My wish is for something that has the ease of use of Heroku, but the fine-grained control of AWS.
My tool, which is free and open source, is called Exosuit. Below is a demo video of what Exosuit can do so far which, given the fact that Exosuit has only existed since the day before this writing, isn’t very much. Currently Exosuit can launch an EC2 instance for you and let you SSH into it.
But I think even this little bit is pretty cool – I don’t know of any other method that lets you go from zero to SSH’d into your EC2 instance in 15 seconds like Exosuit does.
If you’d like to take Exosuit for a spin on your own computer, you can! Just visit the Exosuit repo and go to the getting started guide. And if you do try it, please tweet me or send an email to jason@codewithjason.com with any thoughts or feedback you might have.