Sharp blades and dull blades

by Jason Swett,

We all know the metaphor of technical debt. I want to share some weaknesses of the technical debt metaphor, plus a different metaphor which I think is better.

In real life, debt is not inherently bad. If you have debt, all it means in most cases is that you took out a loan. Loans are a good thing. Loans are what makes it possible to buy things like cars and houses that almost nobody has the money for up front. Business loans can allow business to make investments to grow faster, pay back the loan, and end up with a net benefit that wouldn’t have been possible without the loan.

Debt in real life is also avoidable. You don’t have to get a car loan or mortgage if you don’t want to. You don’t have to get a credit card. You could theoretically pay for everything with cash your whole life.

In software, what we call “technical debt” is not avoidable. It’s going to happen no matter what.

Managers sometimes talk about “strategic technical debt”, where debt is consciously taken on in order to meet a short-term timeline. The thing is, there’s never a plan to pay the debt back. Indeed it rarely does get paid back. Usually the next move is to take on yet more technical debt. It’s like a payday loan cycle, where each payday loan is used to pay the interest from the last payday loan, with less and less of each paycheck ultimately going into your own pocket. Yet the “strategic technical debt” myth persists, partly because the metaphor is so easy to grasp (and miscomprehend).

I prefer to think of a software system as a collection of blades.

A dull blade is never preferable to a sharp one. Sometimes it may be better to just cut with the dull blade instead of taking the time to sharpen the blade before cutting, but it’s clear that that’s a compromise. No one would talk about “strategic dull blades” the way they talk about strategic technical debt.

Unlike debt which you can simply choose not to take on, blades unavoidably get dull with use. Having technical debt makes it sound like you did something wrong. But you don’t have to do anything wrong in order to end up with bad code. Often, bad code is simply the result of entropy. The blade metaphor makes it clear that dullness is normal and unavoidable.

The blade metaphor also has built-in suggestions about how to address the problem. When is it time to sharpen a dull blade? Right before you use it (or right after). It obviously wouldn’t be a very smart investment to just go randomly sharpening saws in the shed. When you pick up a saw and notice that it’s hard to cut with, that can tell you that it would be worth the investment to sharpen it at least a little before trying to cut more with it. If there’s a blade that never gets used, you can afford not to sharpen it, since a dull blade that’s not being used is not hurting anything.

Lastly, the blade metaphor makes clear the benefit of being in a good state. What exactly is the benefit of not having technical debt? That you don’t have to pay technical interest? The benefit is not so clear. The benefit of having sharp blades is obvious: you can cut faster. Unlike being debt-free which is simply the absence of a bad thing, you’re in possession of something good.

As an industry I wish we would do away with the technical debt metaphor and adopt the blade metaphor instead. I think this metaphor would help managers understand the nature of the issue more accurately. Instead of pressuring us to take on “strategic technical debt”, maybe they’ll see the virtues of helping us keep our blades sharp.

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