Category Archives: RSpec

What kinds of Rails tests I write and what kinds I don’t

The challenge of deciding what kinds of tests to write

There are a lot of different kinds of tests a developer could possibly write. In RSpec there are model specs, feature specs, view specs, helper specs, routing specs, controller specs, and request specs. Do you need to write all these different types of tests? If not, which ones should you skip?

The two types of tests I write

In my Rails apps I usually only write two kinds of tests. To use framework-agnostic language, I write model tests and acceptance tests. To use RSpec-specific language, I write model specs and feature specs. Let’s talk about each of these two in a little more detail.

Model tests are relatively isolated. A model test will test the behavior of a particular Ruby class in my Rails application, e.g. the Customer model. Model tests are what give me confidence that my features are working at a fine grain. (I often use the terms “class” and “model” somewhat interchangeably since a Rails model takes the form of a Ruby class.) For example, if I have a method that returns the grand total of the payments a certain customer has made, I’ll write a model test for that method.

What about acceptance tests? Whereas model tests are relatively isolated, acceptance tests are the opposite; they’re relatively integrated. An acceptance test exercises the whole stack, browser and all. Acceptance tests give me confidence that everything works together. For example, if I have CRUD functionality for a Customer resource, I’ll write acceptance tests for creating a customer, updating a customer, and deleting a customer.

A note on terminology

As of the time of this writing there not complete consensus in the testing world on testing terminology (and I don’t expect this to change anytime soon). For example, some developers might consider the terms end-to-end-test, integration test, and acceptance test to refer to basically the same thing, whereas other developers might consider these three terms to refer to three completely distinct types of tests.

What does this mean for you in terms of your testing journey? It means that if you, for example, see a reference to end-to-end tests that doesn’t square with your understanding of the term end-to-end tests, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your understanding is mistaken, it just means that not everyone in the testing world talks about the same concepts using the same exact terms. I think understanding this communication challenge is helpful since otherwise one might get distracted by all the apparent discrepancies.

Testing terminology + RSpec

How do model tests and acceptance tests map to RSpec? Model tests—or model “specs” in RSpec terminology—are the tests that live in the spec/models directory. Nothing but bare RSpec is needed in order to write model specs. What the outside world calls acceptance tests (or again, integration tests or end-to-end tests) are known in RSpec as feature specs. Since feature specs exercise features via the browser, the Capybara library (a library that allows us to manipulate the browser using Ruby) is necessary.

Why, by the way, is an RSpec test called a “spec” instead of a “test”? The idea is that each RSpec file is an “executable specification”. Each test case is actually called an example in RSpec terminology, an example of how that feature is supposed to behave. A set of examples makes up a spec. Personally, I’m willing to play along with this terminology to some extent, but I frankly find it kind of annoying. You’ll find that most of the time I say “test” instead of “spec” or “example”.

The types of tests I don’t write

I typically don’t write view specs, routing specs, or request specs/controller specs. Let’s discuss each of these.

Request specs/controller specs

First, a bit of terminology: request specs and controller specs are two very slightly different things, although for our purposes we can treat the two terms as meaning the same thing. A close enough approximation to the truth is that “controller spec” is the old name and “request spec” is the new name.

I usually don’t write controller/request specs (although I do sometimes). The reason is that I try to have as little code in my controllers as possible. For the most part, my controllers don’t do anything, they just call model objects that do things. Any code that might have been covered by a controller/request spec, I prefer to cover via a feature spec.

View specs, routing specs

I don’t write view specs and I don’t believe I’ve ever encountered anyone who does. The reason is that I’ve never been able to conceive of how a view spec could have value that a feature spec doesn’t already provide.

I also don’t write routing specs, and for the same reason. I find them to be redundant to feature specs.


If you’re just getting started with Rails/RSpec testing and you’re wondering which types of tests to focus on, I would recommend focusing on model specs and feature specs.

How to deal with complex Factory Bot associations in RSpec tests

What’s the best way to handle tests that involve complex setup data? You want to test object A but it needs database records for objects B, C and D first.

I’ll describe how I address this issue but first let me point out why complex setup data is a problem.

Why complex setup data is a problem

Complex setup data can be a problem for two reasons. First, a large amount of setup data can make for an Obscure Test, meaning the noise of the setup data drowns out the meaning of the test.

Second, complex setup data can be a problem if it results in duplication. Then, if you ever need to change the setup steps, you’ll have to make the same change in multiple places.

How to cut down on duplication and noise

Unfortunately, I find that it’s often not very possible to take a complex data setup and somehow make it simple. Often, the reality is that the world is complicated and so the code must be complicated too.

What we can do, though, is push the complexity down to an appropriate level of abstraction. The way I tend to do this in Factory Bot is to use traits and before/after hooks.

Below is an example of some “complex” test setup. It’s not actually all that complex, but unfortunately examples often have to be overly simplified. The concept still applies though.

describe 'account with appointment soon' do
  it 'behaves a certain way' do
    account_with_appointment_soon = create(:account)

      customer: account.customer,
      starts_at: +

    # assertions go here

What if instead of this relatively noisy setup, the setup could be as simple as the following?

describe 'account with appointment soon' do
  it 'behaves a certain way' do
    account_with_appointment_soon = create(:account, :with_appointment_soon)

    # assertions go here

This can be achieved by adding a trait called with_appointment_soon to the :account factory definition. Here it is:

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :account do

    trait :with_appointment_soon do
      after(:create) do |account|
          customer: account.customer,
          starts_at: +

That’s all that’s needed. We haven’t made the complexity go away, but we have moved the complexity out of our test so that our test is more easily understandable.

Mystified by RSpec’s DSL? Some parentheses can add clarity

Many developers have a hard time wrapping their head around RSpec’s DSL syntax. To me for a long time, RSpec’s syntax was a mystery.

Then one day I realized that RSpec’s syntax is just methods and blocks. There’s not some crazy ass metaprogramming going on that’s beyond my abilities to comprehend. Everything in RSpec I’ve ever used can be (as far as I can tell) boiled down to methods and blocks.

I’ll give a concrete example to aid understanding.

Below is an RSpec test I pulled from a project of mine,, which I’ve live-coded in my Sausage Factory videos.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Order, type: :model do
  subject { build(:order) }

  describe 'validations' do
    it { should validate_presence_of(:customer) }

  describe '#total_cents' do
    it 'returns the total amount for the order' do
      order = create(
        line_items: [
          create(:line_item, total_amount_cents: 5000),
          create(:line_item, total_amount_cents: 2500)

      expect(order.total_cents).to eq(7500)

Now here’s the same test with all the optional parentheses left in instead of out. What might not have been obvious to you before, but is made clear by the addition of parentheses, is that describe and it are both just methods.

Like any Ruby method, it and describe are able to accept a block, which of course they always do. (If you don’t have a super firm grasp on blocks yet, I might suggest reading up on them and then writing some of your own methods which take blocks. I went through this exercise myself recently and found it illuminating.)

In addition to putting in all optional parentheses, I changed every block from brace syntax to do/end syntax. I think this makes it more clear when we’re dealing with a block versus a hash.


RSpec.describe(Order, { type: :model }) do
  subject do

  describe('validations') do
    it do

  describe('#total_cents') do
    it('returns the total amount for the order') do
      order = create(
        line_items: [
          create(:line_item, total_amount_cents: 5000),
          create(:line_item, total_amount_cents: 2500)


The latter method is runnable just like the former version (I checked!) because although I changed the syntax, I haven’t changed any of the functionality.

I hope seeing these two different versions of the same test is as eye-opening for you as it was for me.

Lastly, to be clear, I’m not suggesting that you permanently leave extra parentheses in your RSpec tests. I’m only suggesting that you temporarily add parenthesis as a learning exercise.

How to test Ruby methods that involve puts or gets

I recently saw a post on Reddit where the OP asked how to test a method which involved puts and gets. The example the OP posted looked like the following (which I’ve edited very slightly for clarity):

class Example
  def ask_for_number
    puts "Input an integer 5 or above"
    loop do
      input = gets.to_i
      return true if input >= 5
      puts "Invalid. Try again:"

What makes the ask_for_number method challenging to test is a dependency. Most methods can be tested by saying, “When I pass in argument X, I expect return value Y.” This one isn’t so straightforward though. This is more like “When the user sees output X and then enters value V, expect subsequent output O.”

Instead of accepting arguments, this method gets its value from user input. And instead of necessarily returning a value, this method sometimes simply outputs more text.

How can we give this method the values it needs, and how can we observe the way the method behaves when we give it these values?

A solution using dependency injection (thanks to Myron Marston)

Originally, I had written my own solution to this problem, but then Myron Marson, co-author of Effective Testing with RSpec 3, supplied an answer of his own which was a lot better than mine. Here it is.

I comment on this solution some more below, but you can see in the initialize method that the input/output dependencies are being injected into the class. By default, we use $stdin/$stdout, and under test, we use something else for easier testability.

class Example
  def initialize(input: $stdin, output: $stdout)
    @input = input
    @output = output

  def ask_for_number
    @output.puts "Input an integer 5 or above"
    loop do
      input = @input.gets.to_i
      return true if input >= 5
      @output.puts "Invalid. Try again:"

require 'stringio'

RSpec.describe Example do
  context 'with input greater than 5' do
    it 'asks for input only once' do
      output = ask_for_number_with_input(6)

      expect(output).to eq "Input an integer 5 or above\n"

  context 'with input equal to 5' do
    it 'asks for input only once' do
      output = ask_for_number_with_input(5)

      expect(output).to eq "Input an integer 5 or above\n"

  context 'with input less than 5' do
    it 'asks repeatedly, until a number 5 or greater is provided' do
      output = ask_for_number_with_input(2, 3, 6)

      expect(output).to eq <<~OUTPUT
        Input an integer 5 or above
        Invalid. Try again:
        Invalid. Try again:

  def ask_for_number_with_input(*input_numbers)
    input ="\n") + "\n")
    output =

    example = input, output: output)
    expect(example.ask_for_number).to be true


Under test, an instance of StringIO can be used instead of $stdout, thus making the messages sent to @output visible and testable. That’s how we can “see inside” the Example class and test what at first glance appears to be a difficult-to-test piece of code.

Examples of pointless types of RSpec tests

A reader of mine recently shared with me a GitHub gist called rspec_model_testing_template.rb. He also said to me, “I would like your opinion on the value of the different tests that are specified in the gist. Which ones are necessary and which ones aren’t?”

In this post I’d like to point out which types are RSpec tests I think are pointless to write.

Testing the presence of associations

Here are some examples from the above gist of association tests:

it { expect(profile).to belong_to(:user) }
it { expect(user).to have_one(:profile }
it { expect(classroom).to have_many(:students) }
it { expect(gallery).to accept_nested_attributes_for(:paintings) }

Unless I’m crazy, these sorts of tests don’t actually do anything. A test like it { expect(classroom).to have_many(:students) } verifies that classroom.rb contains the code has_many :students but that’s all the value the test provides.

I’ve heard these tests referred to as “tautological tests”. I had to look up that word when I first heard it, so here’s a definition for your convenience: “Tautology is useless restatement, or saying the same thing twice using different words.” That’s exactly what these tests are: a useless restatement.

What does it mean for a classroom to have many students and what sorts of capabilities does the existence of that association give us? Whatever those capabilities are is what we should be testing. For example, maybe we want to calculate the average student GPA per classroom. The ability to do classroom.average_student_gpa would be a valuable thing to write a test for.

If we test the behaviors that has_many :students enables, then we don’t have to directly test the :students association at all because we’re already indirectly testing the association by testing the behaviors that depend on it. For example, our test for the classroom.average_student_gpa method would break if the line has_many :students were taken away.

How do you know the difference between a tautological test and a genuinely valuable test? Here’s an analogy. What would you do if you wanted to test the brakes on your bike? Would you visually verify that your bike has brake components attached to it, and therefore logically conclude that your bike has working brakes? No, because that conclusion is logically invalid. The way to test your brakes is to actually try to use your brakes to make your bike stop. In other words, you wouldn’t test for the presence of brakes, you would test for the capability or that your brakes enable.

Testing that a model responds to certain methods

it { expect(factory_instance).to respond_to(:public_method_name) }

There’s negligible value in simply testing that a model responds to a method. Better to test that that method does the right thing.

Testing for the presence of callbacks

it { expect(user).to callback(:calculate_some_metrics).after(:save) }
it { expect(user).to callback(:track_new_user_signup).after(:create) }

Don’t verify that the callback got called. Verify that you got the result you expected the callback to produce.

Testing for database columns and indexes

it { expect(user).to have_db_column(:political_stance).of_type(:string).with_options(default: 'undecided', null: false)
it { expect(user).to have_db_index(:email).unique(:true)

I had actually never seen this before and didn’t know you could do it. I find it pointless for the same exact reasons that testing associations is pointless. Don’t test that the database has a particular column, test that the feature that uses that column works. Don’t test that the database has a uniqueness index, test that you get a graceful error message if you try to create a duplicate.

For better tests, test behavior, not implementation

In order to write tests that are actually valuable, test behavior, not implementation. For example, rather than testing an association, test the behavior that the association enables.

If you’re new to testing and would like some better guidance on how to write valuable tests, I might suggest my model spec tutorial, my RSpec/Capybara hello world, or my book, The Complete Guide to Rails Testing.

RSpec mocks and stubs in plain English

One of the most common questions I see from beginners to Rails testing is what mocks and stubs are and when to use them. If you’re confused about mocks and stubs, you’re not alone. In my experience very few people understand them. In this post I’ll attempt to help clarify the matter, particularly in the context of Rails/RSpec.

I want to preface my explanation with a disclaimer. This post is partly derived from personal experience but it’s mostly derived from me just reading a bunch of posts online and reading a few books to try to understand mocks and stubs better. It’s entirely possible that what follows is not 100% accurate. But I’m risking the inaccuracy because I think the internet needs a clear, simple explanation of mocks and stubs and so far I haven’t been able to find one.

Here’s what we’re going to cover in this post:

The problem with testing terminology

The field of automated testing has about a million different terms and there’s not a complete consensus on what they all mean. For example, are end-to-end tests and acceptance tests the same thing? Some people would say yes, some would say no, and there’s no central authority to say who’s right and who’s wrong. That’s a problem with testing terminology in general.

A problem with mocks and stubs in particular is that programmers are often sloppy with the language. People say mock when they mean stub and vice versa.

The result of these two issues is that many explanations of mocks and stubs are very very very confusing.

Test doubles

I had a lightbulb moment when I read in Gerard Meszaros’ xUnit Test Patterns that mocks and stubs are each special types of test doubles.

To me this was a valuable piece of truth. Mocks and stubs are both types of test doubles. I can understand that. That’s a piece of knowledge that’s not likely to be invalidated by something else I’ll read later. My understanding has permanently advanced a little bit.

What’s a test double? The book xUnit Test Patterns (which I understand actually coined the term “test double”) likens a test double to a Hollywood stunt double. From the book’s online explanation of test doubles:

When the movie industry wants to film something that is potentially risky or dangerous for the leading actor to carry out, they hire a “stunt double” to take the place of the actor in the scene. The stunt double is a highly trained individual who is capable of meeting the specific requirements of the scene. They may not be able to act, but they know how to fall from great heights, crash a car, or whatever the scene calls for. How closely the stunt double needs to resemble the actor depends on the nature of the scene. Usually, things can be arranged such that someone who vaguely resembles the actor in stature can take their place.

The example I use later in this post is the example of a payment gateway. When we’re testing some code that interacts with a payment gateway, we of course don’t want our test code to actually hit e.g. the production Stripe API and charge people’s credit cards. We want to use a test double in place of the real payment gateway. The production Stripe API is like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, the payment gateway test double is of course like the stunt double.

Stub explanation

The best explanation of mocks and stubs I’ve been able to find online is this post by a guy named Michal Lipski.

I took his explanation, mixed it in my brain with other stuff I’ve read, and came up with this explanation:

A Test Stub is a fake object that’s used in place of a real object for the purpose of getting the program to behave the way we need it to in order to test it. A big part of a Test Stub’s job is to return pre-specified hard-coded values in response to method calls.

You can visit the xUnit Patterns Test Stub page for a more detailed and precise explanation. My explanation might not be 100% on the mark. I’m going for clarity over complete precision.

When would you want to use a test stub? We’ll see in my example code shortly.

Mock explanation

A Mock Object is a fake object that’s used in place of a real object for the purpose of listening to the methods called on the mock object. The main job of a Mock Object is to ensure that the right methods get called on it.

Again, for a more precise (but harder to understand) explanation, you can check out the xUnit Patterns Mock Object page.

We’ll also see a mock object use case in my example code.

The difference between mocks and stubs

As I understand it, and to paint with a very broad brush, Test Stubs help with inputs and Mock Objects help with outputs. A Test Stub is a fake thing you stick in there to trick your program into working properly under test. A Mock Object is a fake thing you stick in there to spy on your program in the cases where you’re not able to test something directly.

Again, I’m going for conciseness and clarity over 100% accuracy here. Now let’s take a look at a concrete example.

Example application code

Below is an example Ruby program I wrote. I tried to write it to meet the following conditions:

  • It’s as small and simple as possible
  • It would actually benefit from the use of one mock and one stub

My program involves three classes:

  • Payment: meant to simulate an ActiveRecord model
  • PaymentGateway: simulates a third-party payment gateway (e.g. Stripe)
  • Logger: logs payments

The code snippet below includes the program’s three classes as well as a single test case for the Payment class.

class Payment
  attr_accessor :total_cents

  def initialize(payment_gateway, logger)
    @payment_gateway = payment_gateway
    @logger = logger

  def save
    response = @payment_gateway.charge(total_cents)

class PaymentGateway
  def charge(total_cents)

    { payment_id: rand(1000) }

class Logger
  def record_payment(payment_id)
    puts "Payment id: #{payment_id}"

describe Payment do
  it 'records the payment' do
    payment_gateway =
    logger =

    payment =, logger)
    payment.total_cents = 1800

Our test has two problems.

One is that it hits the real production API and alters production data. (My code doesn’t really do this; you can pretend that my puts statement hits a real payment gateway and charges somebody’s credit card.)

The other problem is that the test doesn’t verify that the payment gets logged. We could comment out the @logger.record_payment(response[:payment_id]) line and the test would still pass.

This is what we see when we run the test:

Payment id: 302

Finished in 0.00255 seconds (files took 0.09594 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

Let’s first address the problem of altering production data. We can do this by replacing PaymentGateway with a special kind of test double, a stub.

Stub example

Below I’ve replaced payment_gateway = with payment_gateway = double(). I’m also telling my new Test Double object (that is, my Test Stub) that it should expect to receive a charge method call, and when it does, return a payment id of 1234.

class Payment
  attr_accessor :total_cents

  def initialize(payment_gateway, logger)
    @payment_gateway = payment_gateway
    @logger = logger

  def save
    response = @payment_gateway.charge(total_cents)

class PaymentGateway
  def charge(total_cents)

    { payment_id: rand(1000) }

class Logger
  def record_payment(payment_id)
    puts "Payment id: #{payment_id}"

describe Payment do
  it 'records the payment' do
    payment_gateway = double()
    allow(payment_gateway).to receive(:charge).and_return(payment_id: 1234)

    logger =

    payment =, logger)
    payment.total_cents = 1800

If we run this test now, we can see that we no longer get the jarring “THIS HITS THE PRODUCTION API” message. This is because our test no longer calls the charge method on an instance of PaymentGateway, it calls the charge method on a test double.

Our payment_gateway variable is no longer actually an instance of PaymentGateway, it’s an instance of RSpec::Mocks::Double.

Payment id: 1234

Finished in 0.00877 seconds (files took 0.09877 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

That takes care of the hitting-production problem. What about verifying the logging of the payment? This is a job for a different kind of test double, a mock object (or just mock).

Mock example

Now let’s replace with logger = double(). Notice how RSpec doesn’t make a distinction between mocks and stubs. They’re all just Test Doubles. If we want to use a Test Double as a mock or as a stub, RSpec leaves that up to us and doesn’t care.

We’re also telling our new Mock Object that it needs (not just can, but has to, and it will raise an exception if not) receive a record_payment method call with the value 1234.

class Payment
  attr_accessor :total_cents

  def initialize(payment_gateway, logger)
    @payment_gateway = payment_gateway
    @logger = logger

  def save
    response = @payment_gateway.charge(total_cents)

class PaymentGateway
  def charge(total_cents)

    { payment_id: rand(1000) }

class Logger
  def record_payment(payment_id)
    puts "Payment id: #{payment_id}"

describe Payment do
  it 'records the payment' do
    payment_gateway = double()
    allow(payment_gateway).to receive(:charge).and_return(payment_id: 1234)

    logger = double()
    expect(logger).to receive(:record_payment).with(1234)

    payment =, logger)
    payment.total_cents = 1800

Now that we have the line that says expect(logger).to receive(:record_payment).with(1234), our test is asserting that the payment gets logged. We can verify this by commenting out the @logger.record_payment(response[:payment_id]) and running our test again. We get the following error:


  1) Payment records the payment
     Failure/Error: expect(logger).to receive(:record_payment).with(1234)
       (Double (anonymous)).record_payment(1234)
           expected: 1 time with arguments: (1234)
           received: 0 times

Why I don’t often use mocks or stubs in Rails

Having said all this, I personally hardly ever use mocks or stubs in Rails. I can count on one hand all the times I’ve used mocks or stubs over my eight years so far of doing Rails.

The main reason is that I just don’t often have the problems that test doubles solve. In Rails we don’t really do true unit tests. For better or worse, I’ve never encountered a Rails developer, myself included, who truly wants to test an object completely in isolation from all other objects. Instead we write model tests that hit the database and have full access to every single other object in the application. Whether this is good or bad can be debated but one thing seems clear to me: this style of testing eliminates the need for test doubles the vast majority of the time.

Another reason is that I find that tests written using test doubles are often basically just a restatement of the implementation of whatever’s being tested. The code says @logger.record_payment and the test says expect(logger).to receive(:record_payment). Okay, what did we really accomplish? We’re not testing the result, we’re testing the implementation. That’s probably better than nothing but if possible I’d rather just test the result, and quite often there’s nothing stopping me from testing the result instead of the implementation.

Lastly, I personally haven’t found myself working on a lot of projects that use some external resource like a payment gateway API that would make test doubles useful. If I were to work on such a project I imagine I certainly would make use of test doubles, I just haven’t worked on that type of project very much.

How to run system specs headlessly or not headlessly at will

I used to prefer seeing my system specs run in the browser but lately I’ve been preferring to run them headlessly. It’s a little faster that way and I find it a little less disruptive.

Sometimes I still find myself wanting to see a certain test in the browser though. Seeing the test run in the browser can make diagnosis of any problems much easier.

The dream

What would be ideal is if I could do something like the following. To run a spec headlessly, I could do this:

$ rspec spec/system/create_customer_spec.rb

To see the same spec run in the browser, I could do this:

$ SHOW_BROWSER=true rspec spec/system/create_customer_spec.rb

Let’s take a look at how to turn that dream into reality.

The implementation

The desired functionality can be implemented by adding the following to spec/rails_helper.rb:

# spec/rails_helper.rb

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.before(:each, type: :system) do
    driven_by ENV['SHOW_BROWSER'] ? :selenium_chrome : :selenium_chrome_headless

Now, for all system specs, Capybara will use the :selenium_chrome_headless driver normally and the :selenium_chrome driver when SHOW_BROWSER=true is specified.

Thanks to Reddit user jrochkind for helping me improve this solution.

Test smell: Obscure Test

You’ve probably heard of the idea of a “code smell” – a hint that something in the code is not quite right and ought to be changed.

Just as there are code smells, there are “test smells”. The book xUnit Test Patterns describes a number of them.

One of the smells described in the book is Obscure Test. An Obscure Test is a test that has a lot of noise in it, noise that’s making it hard to discern what the test is actually doing.

Here’s an example of an Obscure Test I wrote myself:

context 'the element does not exist' do
  before do
    contents = %(
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:itunes="">

    xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(contents)
    episode_element = xml_doc.xpath('//item').first
    @rss_feed_episode =

  it 'returns an empty string' do
    expect(@rss_feed_episode.content('title')).to eq('')

There’s a lot of noise in the contents variable (e.g. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>). All that stuff is irrelevant to what the test is actually supposed to be testing. All this test should really care about is that we have an empty set of tags.

Here’s a refactored version of the same test:

context 'the element does not exist' do
  let(:rss_feed_episode) do 

  it 'returns an empty string' do
    expect(rss_feed_episode.content('title')).to eq('')

Hopefully this is much more clear. The gory details of how to bring an RSS feed episode into existence are abstracted away into RSSFeedEpisodeTestFactory, a new class I created. Here’s what that class looks like:

class RSSFeedEpisodeTestFactory
  def self.create(inner_contents)
    @inner_contents = inner_contents

  def self.rss_feed_episode'//item').first)

  def self.xml_doc

  def self.contents
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:itunes="">

Now I can use this factory class wherever I like. It not only helps me keep my tests more understandable but also helps cut down on duplication.

In the video below you can watch me refactor the “obscure” version into the more readable version as part of one of my free live Rails testing workshops.

How I write model tests

I recently read a post on /r/ruby that asked for RSpec model testing best practices. I gave an answer, but also wanted to give some concrete examples, so here we go.

What follows is how I’d write a spec for a new model. I actually took a model from an existing application I wrote and just blew away the code so I could start over from scratch.

Once I got a ways into this post I realized that it was getting pretty long and I still hadn’t gotten very far into the “meat” of how I’d write a model spec. So I intend to write a follow-up post that goes more in-depth.

Starting point

Here’s what my `Restaurant` model and test look like when they’re empty.

class Restaurant < ApplicationRecord
require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Restaurant, type: :model do

And just so you can see what the `Restaurant` class’s attributes are, here’s a snippet of `db/schema.rb`. Most of these attributes won’t come into the picture. We’ll mostly just deal with `name` and `phone`.

create_table "restaurants", force: :cascade do |t|
  t.string "name", null: false
  t.datetime "created_at", null: false
  t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
  t.string "phone", null: false
  t.integer "business_model_id", null: false
  t.index ["business_model_id"], name: "index_restaurants_on_business_model_id"
  t.index ["name"], name: "index_restaurants_on_name", unique: true
  t.index ["phone"], name: "index_restaurants_on_phone", unique: true

The first spec

To me the most natural thing to test is the presence of the restaurant name. I’ll write a failing test for presence of name using Should Matchers.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Restaurant, type: :model do
  it { validate_presence_of(:name) }

When I run this spec, it fails, as I expect.

rspec spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb    


  1) Restaurant should validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy       
     Failure/Error: it { validate_presence_of(:name) }  
       Restaurant did not properly validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy.                                                                  
         After setting :name to ‹nil›, the matcher expected the Restaurant to                                                                  
         be invalid, but it was valid instead.                         
     # ./spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb:4:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'                                                            

Finished in 0.29263 seconds (files took 1.34 seconds to load)          
1 example, 1 failure               

Failed examples:                   

rspec ./spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb:4 # Restaurant should validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy

I add the name validator to make the spec pass.

class Restaurant < ApplicationRecord
  validates :name, presence: true

And indeed, the spec now passes.

rspec spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb

Finished in 0.2793 seconds (files took 1.32 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

Spec for phone presence

Now that name presence is taken care of I turn my attention to phone. The spec in this case is the exact same.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Restaurant, type: :model do
  it { validate_presence_of(:name) }
  it { validate_presence_of(:phone) }

I run the spec and it fails. I then add a presence validator:

class Restaurant < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :business_model
  validates :name, presence: true
  validates :phone, presence: true

The spec passes now.

Phone number format validity

Unlike restaurant name, which could be pretty much anything, the phone number has to have a valid format. For example, “123” of course isn’t a valid phone number. I add a failing test for this case. I’m actually not sure what I expect the error message to be, so I just put “invalid format”. After I run the spec I can update the error message in my test to match the actual error message.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Restaurant, type: :model do
  it { validate_presence_of(:name) }
  it { validate_presence_of(:phone) }

  describe 'when phone number is too short' do
    it 'is not valid' do
      restaurant = build(:restaurant, phone: '123')
      expect(restaurant.errors[:phone]).to include('invalid format')

As I expect, this test fails.

rspec spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb    


  1) Restaurant when phone number is too short is not valid            
     Failure/Error: expect(restaurant.errors[:phone]).to include('invalid format')                                                             
       expected [] to include "invalid format"                         
     # ./spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb:11:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'                                                           

Finished in 0.33318 seconds (files took 1.31 seconds to load)          
3 examples, 1 failure              

Failed examples:                   

rspec ./spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb:8 # Restaurant when phone number is too short is not valid

Now I add a format validator using a regex I found on the internet.

class Restaurant < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :business_model
  validates :name, presence: true
  validates :phone, presence: true, format: {
    with: /\A(\+\d{1,2}\s)?\(?\d{3}\)?[\s.-]\d{3}[\s.-]\d{4}\z/

The spec now fails because the expected error message, “invalid format” doesn’t match the actual error message, “is invalid”.

rspec spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb


  1) Restaurant when phone number is too short is not valid
     Failure/Error: expect(restaurant.errors[:phone]).to include('invalid format')
       expected ["is invalid"] to include "invalid format"
     # ./spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb:11:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.40668 seconds (files took 2.03 seconds to load)
3 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb:8 # Restaurant when phone number is too short is not valid

So I update my expected error message.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Restaurant, type: :model do
  it { validate_presence_of(:name) }
  it { validate_presence_of(:phone) }

  describe 'when phone number is too short' do
    it 'is not valid' do
      restaurant = build(:restaurant, phone: '123')
      expect(restaurant.errors[:phone]).to include('is invalid')

And now the spec passes.

rspec spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb    

Finished in 0.38825 seconds (files took 2.03 seconds to load)          
3 examples, 0 failures         

Tests for other phone cases

By adding this phone regex I’ve actually broken a rule of TDD: only write enough code to make the test pass. If you only write enough code to make the test pass, you know that all the code you’ve written is covered by tests.

In this case I “wrote some code” (copy/pasted a regex from Stack Overflow) that didn’t have tests. So I’m going to go back and add more test cases. One case will say, “when the phone number is valid, the restaurant object should be valid”. The other will say “when the phone number is all numbers, the restaurant object should not be valid”.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Restaurant, type: :model do
  it { validate_presence_of(:name) }
  it { validate_presence_of(:phone) }

  describe 'phone' do
    describe 'when phone number is valid' do
      it 'is valid' do
        restaurant = build(:restaurant, phone: '(555) 555-5555')
        expect(restaurant).to be_valid

    describe 'when phone number is too short' do
      it 'is not valid' do
        restaurant = build(:restaurant, phone: '123')
        expect(restaurant.errors[:phone]).to include('is invalid')

    describe 'when phone number is all letters' do
      it 'is not valid' do
        restaurant = build(:restaurant, phone: '(AAA) AAA-AAAA')
        expect(restaurant.errors[:phone]).to include('is invalid')

These tests all pass. There’s a little duplication in my test, though, so I’m going to refactor.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Restaurant, type: :model do
  it { validate_presence_of(:name) }
  it { validate_presence_of(:phone) }

  describe 'phone' do
    let(:restaurant) { build(:restaurant) }

    describe 'when phone number is valid' do
      it 'is valid' do = '(555) 555-5555'
        expect(restaurant).to be_valid

    describe 'when phone number is too short' do
      it 'is not valid' do = '123'
        expect(restaurant.errors[:phone]).to include('is invalid')

    describe 'when phone number is all letters' do
      it 'is not valid' do = '(AAA) AAA-AAAA'
        expect(restaurant.errors[:phone]).to include('is invalid')

All the tests still pass.

rspec spec/models/restaurant_spec.rb    

Finished in 0.30868 seconds (files took 1.37 seconds to load)          
5 examples, 0 failures

To be continued

What I’ve written in the post is representative of the start of what I’d put in a model test but it’s certainly not the whole thing. What if my model contains some non-trivial methods? This post is already getting kind of long, so I plan to continue this in a Part 2.

Things you can ignore when getting started with Rails testing

Here’s an incomplete list of tools and concepts you might encounter when first trying to learn Rails testing: Capybara, Cucumber, Database Cleaner, factory_bot, Faker, MiniTest, RSpec, system tests, Test::Unit, acceptance tests, end-to-end-tests, mocks, stubs, unit tests and TDD.

That’s a lot of stuff. If you’re like most humans you might look at this long list of things, feel confused about where to start, and say, “I don’t know what to do. I’ll just deal with this later.”

The challenge of getting started with testing would be much easier if you knew exactly what you needed to know and what you could safely ignore. What follows is a list of what you can safely ignore.

Framework Decisions

You don’t need to get hung up on which framework to use. You literally can’t go wrong. The principles of testing are the same no matter which testing framework you use. Plus you can always change your mind later.

When I first got started with Rails, the way I decided on a testing framework was very simple. I noticed that most Rails developers used RSpec, so I just picked RSpec.

(I actually used Test::Unit for a while before realizing most Rails developers used RSpec. So I just switched. It wasn’t a very big deal.)

Cucumber, Capybara and System Tests

Most Rails test suites have two main sub-suites: a suite of model tests and a suite of integration tests.

Model tests test the behavior of ActiveRecord models by themselves. Integration tests actually spin up a browser and do things like fill out forms and click links and buttons as if a human is actually using the application.

Between these two, the bar is lower for model tests. For integration tests you have to do almost all the same stuff as model tests plus more. For this reason I suggest that if you’re a newcomer to Rails testing that you start with model tests (or even just Ruby tests without Rails) and ignore integration tests altogether until you get more comfortable with testing.

So you can ignore Cucumber (which I don’t recommend using at all), Capybara and system tests, which are all integration testing tools.

View Specs

I’ve never written a view spec. To me they seem tautological. I’ve also never encountered any other Rails developer who advocates writing view specs.

If for some reason I had a wildly complicated view, I could see a view spec potentially making sense. But I haven’t yet encountered that case.

Helper Specs

I don’t tend to write helper specs because I don’t tend to write helpers. Helpers are a fairly peripheral area of Rails that you can safely disregard altogether when you’re getting started with Rails testing.

Routing Specs

Like view specs, I find routing specs to be tautological. I don’t write them.

Request Specs

Request specs are a great boon and even necessity if your application has an API or if your controllers do anything non-trivial. But I don’t think you should worry about request specs when you’re just getting started.

Controller Specs

Controller specs are deprecated in favor of request specs.

What Not to Ignore

The main thing I would recommend learning when you’re getting started with Rails testing is model tests.

When you’re learning about model tests you’ll naturally have to get acquainted with RSpec syntax (or whichever framework you choose), factory_bot and Database Cleaner (or analogous tools). But other than the actual testing techniques, that’s about it as far as model test tooling goes.

If you want to make life even easier on yourself you can learn just Ruby and RSpec with no Rails involved. Then, after you get comfortable with RSpec syntax and basic testing techniques, you can approach Rails testing with more confidence.